Suche mittels Attribut
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- "Most of" leads to undecidability: Failure of adding frequencies to LTL +
- "Most of" leads to undecidability: Failure of adding frequencies to LTL +
- 11th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2008) +
- 11th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2008) +
- 12. EMCL Workshop +
- 12th EMCL Workshop +
- 17. WLP - Workshop Logic Programming +
- 17. WLP - Workshop Logische Programmierung +
- 22nd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming 2008 +
- 22nd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming 2008 +
- 29th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2015) +
- 29th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2015) +
- 38th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence +
- 38th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence +
- 9th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) +
- 9th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) +
- A Datalog hammer for supervisor verification conditions modulo simple linear arithmetic +
- A Datalog hammer for supervisor verification conditions modulo simple linear arithmetic +
- A Dichotomy for Evaluating Simple Regular Path Queries +
- A Dichotomy for Evaluating Simple Regular Path Queries +
- A Distributed Blockchain Model of Selfish Mining +
- A Distributed Blockchain Model of Selfish Mining +
- A Glimpse into Propositional Model Counting +
- A Glimpse into Propositional Model Counting +
- A Logic-based Reasoning Framework for Graph Databases +
- A Logic-based Reasoning Framework for Graph Databases +
- A Pitch Rich with Width-Witchcraft – Model-Theoretic Criteria for Decidable Query Entailment +
- A Pitch Rich with Width-Witchcraft – Model-Theoretic Criteria for Decidable Query Entailment +
- A SHACL primer for KR researchers +
- A SHACL primer for KR researchers/en +
- A Semantic Characterization of Belief Base Revision for Arbitrary Monotonic Logics +
- A Semantic Characterization of Belief Base Revision for Arbitrary Monotonic Logics +
- A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules +
- A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules +
- A diamond in the rough: Theorizing column stores +
- A diamond in the rough: Theorizing column stores +
- A gentle introduction to partition width +
- A gentle introduction to partition width +
- A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation +
- A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation +
- A proof of CSP Dichotomy conjecture +
- A proof of CSP Dichotomy conjecture +
- A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications +
- A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications +
- ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic +
- ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic +
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition +
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition +
- ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors +
- ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors +