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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A Benchmark Framework for a Computational Argumentation Competition +
- A Compact Encoding of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into SAT +
- A Conceptual Foundation for Autonomous Learning in Unforeseen Situations +
- A Formal Theory of Justifications +
- A Geo-ontology Design Pattern for Semantic Trajectories +
- A Katsuno-Mendelzon-Style Characterization of AGM Belief Base Revision for Arbitrary Monotonic Logics (Preliminary Report) +
- A New Computational Model for Human Reasoning +
- A Probability Theoretic Analysis of Score Systems +
- A Rule-Based Language for Complex Event Processing and Reasoning +
- A Two-tier Index Architecture for Fast Processing Large RDF Data over Distributed Memory +
- A Uniform Account of Realizability in Abstract Argumentation +
- A note on C2 interpreted over finite data-words +
- ADF - BDD : An ADF Solver Based on Binary Decision Diagrams +
- ADF-BDD.DEV: Debug Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with Binary Decision Diagrams +
- Alternating Towers and Piecewise Testable Separators +
- An Approach for Optimized Approximation +
- An Ontology Selection and Ranking System Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. +
- Anomaly-Driven Concept Acquisition +
- Argumentation and Logic Programming (Revised Selected Papers of ArgLP 2015) +
- Asynchronous Graph Pattern Matching on Multiprocessor Systems +
- Beyond ALCreg: Exploring Non-Regular Extensions of PDL with Description Logics Features +
- CDCL Solver Additions: Local Look-ahead, All-Unit-UIP Learning and On-the-fly Probing +
- Chase-Based Computation of Cores for Existential Rules +
- Computational Logic and Human Reasoning +
- Computing Stable Extensions of Argumentation Frameworks using Formal Concept Analysis +
- Concrete Results on Abstract Rules +
- Context Orbifolds +
- Craig Interpolation and Query Reformulation with Clausal First-Order Tableaux +
- D1.4.1 Initial Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Heuristic Problem Solving +
- DIAMOND 3.0 -- A Native C++ Implementation of DIAMOND +
- Decidable Description Logics of Context with Rigid Roles +
- Default Reasoning about Actions via Abstract Argumentation +
- Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype +
- Description Logics Reasoning w.r.t. General TBoxes is decidable for Concrete Domains with the EHD-property +
- Design and Results of the Second International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation +
- Do Repeat Yourself: Understanding Sufficient Conditions for Restricted Chase Non-Termination (Technical Report) +
- Don’t Repeat Yourself: Termination of the Skolem Chase on Disjunctive Existential Rules +
- Extending the Description Logic tEL(deg) with acyclic TBoxes +
- Faceted Answer-Set Navigation +
- Fast Compression of Large Semantic Web Data using X10 +
- Finite-Controllability of Conjunctive Queries in the Z family of Description Logics (Extended Abstract) +
- Fixed-Domain Reasoning for Description Logics +
- Formula Simplifications as DRAT Derivations +
- Foundations of Implementations for Formal Argumentation +
- From Human Reasoning Episodes to Connectionist Models (Dagstuhl Seminar) +
- Fuzzy Reasoning Techniques for the Management of Complex Information in Medicine +
- General Concept Inclusions with High Confidence in Finite Interpretations +
- Global One-Counter Tree Automata +
- Hybrid Unification in the Description Logic EL +
- Implementing Belief Change in the Situation Calculus and an Application +