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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Computing Role-depth Bounded Generalizations in the Description Logic ELOR + (8077)
- Parallel Variable Elimination on CNF Formulas + (8077)
- Quantitative Analysis of Randomized Distributed Systems and Probabilistic Automata + (8080)
- Locks: Picking key methods for a scalable quantitative analysis + (81)
- Computing extensions of terminological default theories + (810)
- A Geo-ontology Design Pattern for Semantic Trajectories + (8116)
- Instantiating Knowledge Bases in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (8143)
- Experience Based Nonmonotonic Reasoning + (8148)
- Implementing Belief Change in the Situation Calculus and an Application + (8148)
- Roughening the EL Envelope + (8152)
- Verification of Golog Programs over Description Logic Actions + (8152)
- Hybrid Unification in the Description Logic EL + (8152)
- Temporal Query Answering in the Description Logic DL-Lite + (8152)
- Abduction in Logic Programming as Second-Order Quantifier Elimination + (8152)
- Reasoning about Actions Meets Strategic Logics + (8196)
- Satisfiability of ECTL* with Constraints + (82)
- Extending Two-Variable Logic on Trees + (82)
- Effektiver Algorithmus zur Lösung von inversen Aufgabenstellungen - Anwendung in der Geotechnik + (83)
- Algorithms for Reasoning in Very Expressive Description Logics under Infinitely Valued Gödel Semantics + (83)
- On the Maximal and Average Numbers of Stable Extensions + (8306)
- Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - Third International Workshop, GKR 2013, Beijing, China, August 3, 2013. Revised Selected Papers + (8323)
- Are Good-for-Games Automata Good for Probabilistic Model Checking? + (8370)
- System NEL is Undecidable + (84)
- Probabilistic Model Checking and Non-standard Multi-objective Reasoning + (8411)
- Computing Conditional Probabilities in Markovian Models Efficiently + (8413)
- Energy-Utility Quantiles + (8430)
- Experimental Results on Solving the Projection Problem in Action Formalisms Based on Description Logics + (846)
- Adding Context to Tableaux for DLs + (846)
- Role-depth Bounded Least Common Subsumers for EL+ and ELI + (846)
- LATPub490 + (846)
- Gödel Negation Makes Unwitnessed Consistency Crisp + (846)
- A Goal-Oriented Algorithm for Unification in EL w.r.t. Cycle-Restricted TBoxes + (846)
- UEL: Unification Solver for EL + (846)
- Probabilistic Model Checking for Energy-Utility Analysis + (8464)
- On the Succinctness of Closure Operator Representations + (8478)
- Attribute Exploration with Proper Premises and Incomplete Knowledge Applied to the Free Radical Theory of Ageing + (8478)
- Energy-Utility Analysis for Resilient Systems Using Probabilistic Model Checking + (8489)
- Optimizations for the role-depth bounded least common subsumer in el+ + (849)
- Integrating OWL and Rules: A Syntax Proposal for Nominal Schemas + (849)
- Detecting Cardinality Constraints in CNF + (8561)
- The Bayesian Description Logic BEL + (8562)
- EL-ifying Ontologies + (8562)
- jcel: A Modular Rule-based Reasoner + (858)
- Effective algorithm for parameter back calculation - Geotechnical applications + (86)
- Classification, Individuation and Demarcation of Forests: formalising the multi-faceted semantics of geographic terms + (86)
- Cardinality Restrictions on Concepts + (861)
- On Upper and Lower Bounds on the Length of Alternating Towers + (8634)
- On Descriptional Complexity of Partially Parallel Grammars + (87)
- Reasoning in ALC with Fuzzy Concrete Domains + (8736)
- Matching with respect to general concept inclusions in the Description Logic EL + (8736)
- CDCL Solver Additions: Local Look-ahead, All-Unit-UIP Learning and On-the-fly Probing + (8736)