ICCL Summer School 'Bridging the Gap between Human and Automated Reasoning', September 18-29, 2017, Dresden

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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In September 2017 we organize a summer school at TU Dresden, Germany.

The topic of this year's summer school is Bridging the Gap between Human and Automated Reasoning

As in the past summer schools at TU Dresden in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2015 people from distinct, but communicating communities will gather in an informal and friendly atmosphere. This two-week event is aimed at graduate students, researchers and practitioners. The summer school is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and therefore, a limited number of grants for students and university employees will be available, which includes a waiver for the participation fee. The grant includes a waiver of the participation fee, a lump-sum for living costs of 500 EUR and a lump-sum for travel costs, where the amount depends on the country.


  • Arrival: 17th of September
  • Registration: 18th of September
  • Departure: 30th of September


The summer school is held at the Computer Science Faculty building of Technische Universität Dresden, Nöthnitzer Straße 46, Dresden-Räcknitz .

How to reach us

  • Directions [1]
  • Annotated satellite map [2]

Public Transport

Dresden provides many nice places to be, such that you might want to use public transport.

For the participants, we can provide tickets for public transport during the summer school for 30 EUR.

Tickets without discount have the following price: Single Ticket: 2,20 EUR, Four Tickets: 8 EUR, Day Ticket: 6 EUR, Week Ticket: 21 EUR

Faculty of computer science.

Weather Information

In this period of the year, the average temperature at daytime in Dresden will be about 24 degrees. It may be windy; sometimes it rains. However, if there is a longer raining period, the maximum temperature might decrease to about 15 degrees. This year the weather is rather hot. To be on the save side, please check [3].

Computing Facilities

  • We provide access to wireless networking in the ground floor of the Computer Science Faculty building during the Summer School. If you don't have a notebook with wireless networking, we can provide you a login account for the department computing center.
  • You will receive your personal login name and password as well as a short explanation during the registration.
  • Please note, that certain internet services (e. g. SMTP) might not be available due to the security policies of our university. To access these services, we suggest you the usage of a VPN service of your university.
  • Please note we will not provide any facilities or services for personal printing.

Automated Reasoning by Ulrich Furbach (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany)

The course will introduce basic aspects of logical calculi for automated reasoning. The resolution calculus will be presented and basic properties of proof procedures are given. Techniques for controlling the search space are discussed and methods for equality handling are introduced. As an alternative, tableau calculi are introduced and the relation to resolution and decision prodedures for description logics are discussed. In a hands-on tutorials the participants will learn to use automated theorem provers from the Systems-on- TPTP website, where all the available systems can be used with own examples or the TPTP benchmark suite.

Tableau Calculi and Applications by Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon (Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany)

This course will cover first order tableau calculi with a focus on hyper tableaux. The calculus rules together with a comparison to other logical systems are introduced and an extension for an effcient handling of equality is given. Various applications for a hyper-tableau-system are discussed and, in particular, the Loganswer-System (www.loganswer.de) as an example of the cognitive computing paradigm is introduced. Based on these applications some extensions and requirements for a proof-system are explained; in particular, handling of large knowledge bases (like e.g. Cyc), webservices and abductive answers.

Abstract Argumentation - Reasoning, Expressiveness and its Connection to Answer Set Programming by Sarah Gaggl (Technische Universität Dresden)

Argumentation is one of the major fields in artifcial intelligence (AI) and non-monotonic reasoning (NMR). Nowadays, the concept of abstract argumentation frameworks (AFs) is one of the most popular approaches to capture certain aspects of argumentation. This very simple yet expressive model has been introduced by Phan Minh Dung in 1995. Arguments and a binary "attack" relation between them, denoting conflicts, are the only components one needs for the representation of a wide range of problems and the reasoning therein. Nowadays numerous semantics exist to solve the inherent conflicts between the arguments by selecting sets of "acceptable" arguments. Depending on the application, acceptability is defined in different ways. Some semantics are based on the idea to defend arguments against attacks, while others treat arguments like different choices and the solutions stand for consistent sets of arguments. In this course we will first focus on the expressiveness of AFs, in particular we will study if, and under which conditions, a given set of arguments can be accepted at all in an AF under a given semantics. Furthermore, we will analyze different notions of equivalences for AFs, for example when two different AFs posses the same solutions under a semantics, even if we apply modifcations to them. Finally we will observe the connection between answer set programming (ASP) and AFs.

Logic by Steffen Hölldobler and Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz (Technische Universität Dresden)

The course gives a comprehensive introduction into propositional and first-order logic: propositional formulas; interpretations and models; satisfiability, falsifiability, validity, unsatisfiability and their relations; truth tables; logical consequences; satisfiability problems (SAT); conjunctive normal form; SAT-solving; first-order formulas; substitutions; semantics. In the tutorials participants will be asked to turn a real world problem into a SAT-problem and to solve it using a state-of-the-art SAT-solver.

A New Cognitive Theory: Weak Completion Semantics by Steffen Hölldobler and Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz (Technische Universität Dresden)

In the last nine years we have developed a new cognitive theory. It is based on the weak completion of logic programs, the three-valued Lukasiewizc logic, abduction and revision, and has been successfully applied to adequately model various human reasoning tasks like the suppression task, the selection task, the belief bias effect, syllogistic reasoning, spatial reasoning as well as reasoning about conditionals. In the course we will give an in-depth introduction into the new theory as well to its applications to different human reasoning tasks. In addition we will do experiments in order to evaluate certain reasoning tasks, in particular, how humans reason with conditionals.

Reasoning under Uncertainty by Niki Pfeifer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany)

This course starts by a brief discussion of philosophical presuppositions of probabilistic models of the human mind. Then, I present recent formal and experimental results on human reasoning under uncertainty. In my approach, I model human inference within coherence-based probability logic, which is characterised by transmitting the uncertainty of the premises to the conclusion. This general framework allows for a unified approach to analyse diverse problems in the psychology of reasoning. Specifically, I will illustrate my approach by formal and experimental work on nonmonotonic reasoning, conditionals, categorical syllogisms, and argumentation. Finally, I will discuss how combining formal and experimental work gives rise to a new interdisciplinary research agenda, which sheds new light on the rationality of human reasoning.

Cognitive Science by Marco Ragni (University of Freiburg, Germany)

This course aims at a core introduction into cognitive science with a special emphasis on foundational aspects and general assumptions about human representation, memory, and reasoning. The following questions will be approached: Which methods are used to learn about behavioral regularities in human reasoners? What is the influence of perception on internal mental representation? What can be considered a `good' cognitive models for human perceptive and reasoning processes?Which special aspects do we know about internal mental models for different descriptions? This course will provide several "do-it-yourself" examples and prepare for the advanced course "Modern approaches to human reasoning."

Modern Approaches to Human Reasoning by Marco Ragni (University of Freiburg, Germany)

Since the times of Aristotle humans have discussed what can be regarded as an acceptable inference striving the border of formal logical inferences and a form of "natural deduction" humans are applying. The ability to gain new insights from given knowledge by reasoning is one of the most fundamental cognitive abilities of humans. Psychological findings show a difference between inferences drawn by humans and by formal reasoning systems implementing classical logic. These differences can be found for all domains: in reasoning about relations, in reasoning about conditional statements, and in reasoning about syllogisms. In this course I will first introduce several examples for each domain demonstrating specific effects in reasoning, including content effects and illusions. In a second step different theories of reasoning are presented and applied to the different effects. In a third step the theory is evaluated and differences to other theories and alternative approaches are discussed.

Human reasoning; automated reasoning -- what is classical logic about? by Uwe Scheffler (Technische Universität Dresden)

Abstract TBA


The registration for the summer school is open now. You can register online here.

Admission Requirements

The summer school is for master and phd students who work in a discipline which is relevant for the summer school. However, excellent bachelor students are also approved.


We ask for a participation fee

  • Registration
    • Students: 200 EUR
    • Academic 300 EUR
    • Others 500 EUR

Please pay this summer school fee cash at the day of your arrival. On request, you may also make a bank transfer. Any fees arising for the transfer must be paid by you and cannot be deducted from the registration fee.

If belonging to the university sector, you have to provide some respective evidence when paying the fees at the check-in (e. g. student card, web page at a university etc.). Students must present a proof of their status (student id in case of a bachelor, master or diploma student; scholarship certificate in case of PhD students) upon arrival at the summer school or conference.


A limited number of grants for students and university employees will be available, which includes a waiver of the participation fee. The grant includes a lump-sum for living costs of 500 EUR and a lump-sum for travel costs, where the amount depends on the country. You can find them here in the first column (Spalte 1).

Please indicate in your application, if the only possibility for you to participate is via a grant. Applications for grants must include an estimate of travel costs (to be mentioned in the respective part of the online registration form).

The deadline for the application for this grant is 30.04.2017.

The registration is open on Monday morning (18.9.2017) between 8:45 and 9:30. The opening will start at 9:30.

First Week, Basic Courses (September 18 - September 22, 2017)

 September 17 
 September 18 
 September 19 
 September 20 
 September 21 
 September 22 
 September 23 
   8:45 -    9:30   Registration        
   9:00 - 10:00   Opening Ragni HD Furbach Furbach (T)
10:20 - 11:20   HD Ragni Ragni Furbach Furbach (T)
11:40 - 12:40   HD HD (T) Ragni (T) Furbach HD (T)
14:40 - 15:40   Ragni HD (T) Excursion Ragni (T) Hiking
16:00 - 17:00   Discussion Discussion Excursion Workshop Hiking
Evening Arrival City Tour   Excursion   Hiking

Second Week, Advanced Courses (September 25 - September 29, 2017)

 September 24 
 September 25 
 September 26 
 September 27 
 September 28 
 September 29 
 September 30 
   9:00 - 10:00   Pfeifer Pfeifer Pfeifer Gaggl Pfeifer Departure
10:20 - 11:20   Schon Schon Schon Schon Ragni  
11:40 - 12.40   HD Gaggl HD Scheffler Gaggl  
14.40 - 15.40   Scheffler Gaggl Workshop* Ragni HD  
16.00 - 17.00   Workshop HD Excursion Ragni  Evaluation & Farewell   
Evening     Excursion Dinner    

HD = Hölldobler, Dietz

* This workshop is from 14:00 to 15:00.
  • First week
    • Monday: guided city tour, with a dinner in Neustadt (at own expenses)
      • We meet at 16:50 at the main entrance of the Computer Science building (Nöthnitzer Strasse 46).
    • Wednesday: excursion to Pirna
      • We meet at 14:30 at the main railway station (Hauptbahnhof) at the corner of Burger King (train leaves at 14:41). We return at ~18:30 at the main railway station.
    • Friday: hiking in Saxon Switzerland
      • We meet at 13:50 at the main railway station (Hauptbahnhof) at the corner of Burger King (train leaves at 13:59). We return at ~18:30 at the main railway station.
  • Second week
    • Wednesday: Visit to the Green Vault
      • We meet at 15:50 at Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault) (Residenzschloss Taschenberg 2).
    • Thursday: Dinner at Eckberg Castle
      • Starts at 18:00 at Schloss Eckberg (Bautzner Strasse 134)


Some hotels and apartment agencies offer accommodation to participants.

All suggested places are conveniently connected by public transportation to the summer school and workshop venue.

Please act fast, because it´s very difficult to find rooms in Dresden in this period of the year. Here, we provide a list of well located and affordable accommodation.

Living Expenses

  • Accommodation: The costs for accommodation depend on the place, where you book a room and can be found on the web pages linked from the page above.
  • Living: For food and living no exact information can be given as this is too individual. A calculation for Saxon law amounts to 24 EUR per day.
  • Public transportation: If you want to use public transports, please see Info and Venue for the ticket fares and possibilities.
  • Cultural program: We don't charge any addition for our cultural program. Only for some single events you may need some little money for food etc. as mentioned on the event information pages.

Child Care

A flexible child care is offered to participants of congresses or other events taking place at the Technische Universität Dresden. It gives you the possibility to take your children to Dresden and leave them under care of educated staff, when attending lectures.

For more information, please contact:

Campusbüro Uni mit Kind

George-Bähr-Straße 1b

Tel./Fax: +49-351-463-32666 / -32667

E-mail: campusbuero@tu-dresden.de

German web page

Chair of the Summer School Steffen Hölldobler

Organizers of the Summer School Emmanuelle Dietz, Susann Gierth, Steffen Hölldobler, Irina Karadschow