The cf2 Argumentation Semantics Revisited

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The cf2 Argumentation Semantics Revisited

Sarah Alice GagglSarah Alice Gaggl,  Stefan WoltranStefan Woltran
Sarah Alice Gaggl, Stefan Woltran
The cf2 Argumentation Semantics Revisited
Technical Report, Technische Universität Wien, volume DBAI-TR-2012-77, 2012
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    Abstract argumentation frameworks nowadays provide the most popular formalization of argumentation on a conceptual level. Numerous semantics for this paradigm have been proposed, whereby the cf2 semantics has shown to solve particular problems concerned with odd-length cycles in such frameworks. Due to the complicated definition of this semantics it has somehow been neglected in the literature. In this article, we introduce an alternative characterization of the cf2 semantics which, roughly speaking, avoids the recursive computation of sub-frameworks. This facilitates further investigation steps, like a complete complexity analysis. Furthermore, we show how the notion of strong equivalence can be characterized in terms of the cf2 semantics. In contrast to other semantics, it turns out that for the cf2 semantics strong equivalence coincides with syntactical equivalence. We make this particular behavior more explicit by defining a new property for argumentation semantics, called the succinctness property. If a semantics σ satisfies the succinctness property, then for every framework F , all its attacks contribute to the evaluation of at least one framework F′ containing F. We finally characterize strong equivalence also for the stage and the naive semantics. Together with known results these characterizations imply that none of the prominent semantics for abstract argumentation, except the cf2 semantics, satisfies the succinctness property.
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Computational LogicComputational LogicLogische Programmierung und ArgumentationLogic Programming and Argumentation
  author      = {Sarah Alice Gaggl and Stefan Woltran},
  title       = {The cf2 Argumentation Semantics Revisited},
  institution = {Technische Universit{\"{a}}t Wien},
  year        = {2012}