Faceted Answer-Set Navigation
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Faceted Answer-Set Navigation
Vortrag von Christian Al-Rabbaa
- Veranstaltungsort: APB 3027
- Beginn: 6. September 2018 um 13:00
- Ende: 6. September 2018 um 14:30
- Forschungsgruppe: Automatentheorie
- Forschungsgruppe: Computational Logic
- Forschungsgruppe: Wissensbasierte Systeme
- Event series: KBS Seminar
- iCal
Abstract: Even for small logic programs, the number of resulting answer-sets can be tremendous. In such cases, users might be incapable of comprehending the space of answer-sets as a whole nor being able to identify a specific answer-set according to their needs. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a general formal framework that takes an arbitrary logic program as input, and allows for navigating the space of answer-sets in a systematic interactive way analogous to faceted browsing. The navigation is carried out stepwise, where each step narrows down the remaining solutions, eventually arriving at a single one. We formulate two navigation modes, one stringent conflict avoiding, and a “free” mode, where conflicting selections of facets might occur. For the latter mode, we provide efficient algorithms for resolving the conflicts. We provide an implementation of our approach and demonstrate that our framework is able to handle logic programs for which it is currently infeasible to retrieve all answer sets.
- Weitere Infos unter: https://iccl.inf.tu-dresden.de/web/Inproceedings3047/en