Courses in Summer Term 2017

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Courses in Summer Term 2017

This section contains useful information for students who enrolled in 2016 or before, only. Students who will enroll in 2017 or later are referred to the website of the faculty.

Note: 3 advanced modules have to be chosen out of the 4 ones. Courses summing up to min. 8 SWS have to be assigned for each of the 3 modules. Any course may be chosen for max. one module.

Module MCL-AL Advanced Logics (Basic)

Person in charge: Prof. Christel Baier

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Advanced Logics 4/2/0 Prof. Baier ThCS

Module MCL-ILS Integrated Logic Systems (Basic)

Person in charge: Prof. Michael Schroeder

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Deduction Systems 1/1/0 Prof. Rudolph AI
Semantic Search: Algorithms and Applications 2/2/0 Prof. Michael Schroeder AI

Module MCL-CSE Computer Science Engineering (Advanced)

Person in charge: head of the study course

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Component-Based Software Engineering 2/2/0 Prof. Assmann SMT
Foundations of Concurrent and Distributed Systems 4/0/0 Prof. Fetzer SyA
Internet & Web Applications 2/2/0 Prof. Schill SyA
Security & Cryptography II 2/2/0 Dr. Köpsell SyA
Wireless Sensor Networks 2/2/0 Dr. Dargie SyA

Module MCL-KR Knowledge Representation (Advanced)

Person in charge: Prof. Steffen Hölldobler

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies 4/2/0 Prof. Rudolph AI
Fuzzy Description Logic 2/1/0 Dr. Turhan AI
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/2/0 Prof. Hölldobler AI
Logical Modeling 0/2/0 Prof. Rudolph AI
Problem Solving and Search in Artificial Intelligence 2/2/0 Dr. Gaggl AI
Programming Machine Ethics 1/1/2 Prof. Hölldobler AI
SAT Solving 3/1/0 Prof. Hölldobler AI

Module MCL-PI Principles of Inference (Advanced)

Person in charge: Prof. Steffen Hölldobler

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies 4/2/0 Prof. Rudolph AI
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/2/0 Prof. Hölldobler AI
Logical Modeling 0/2/0 Prof. Rudolph AI
Problem Solving and Search in Artificial Intelligence 2/2/0 Dr. Gaggl AI
Programming Machine Ethics 1/1/2 Prof. Hölldobler AI
SAT Solving 3/1/0 Prof. Hölldobler AI
Theoretical Computer Science 0/2/0 Dr. Turhan ThCS

Module MCL-TCSL Theoretical Computer Science and Logic (Advanced)

Person in charge: Prof. Franz Baader

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Fuzzy Description Logic 2/1/0 Dr. Turhan AI
Theoretical Computer Science 0/2/0 Dr. Turhan ThCS

Module MCL-PCS Presentation and Communication Skills (Basic)

Person in charge: head of the study course

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/2/0 Prof. Hölldobler AI
Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification 0/2/0 Prof. Baier ThCS
Selected Topics in Logics and Verification 0/2/0 Prof. Baier ThCS
Logical Modeling 0/2/0 Prof. Rudolph AI
Theoretical Computer Science 0/2/0 Dr. Turhan ThCS

Module MCL-P Project (Basic)

Person in charge: head of the study course

Course Title SWS (l/ts/p) Lecturer Institute
Project Group Computational Logic 0/0/4 Prof. Rudolph AI
Project Group Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/0/4 Prof. Hölldobler AI
Project Group Model Checking 0/0/4 Prof. Baier ThCS
Project Group Theoretical Computer Science 0/0/4 Dr. Turhan ThCS

Here you can find the description of the modules as well as the timetable of the courses.

To discuss questions concerning logic and computational logic, you may contact Prof. Hölldobler during his consultation hours mentioned on his homepage.

Here you will find the courses of previous terms.

For questions concerning exams etc., please consult the web pages of the Service Center for International Students (SCIS).