Making Repairs in Description Logics More Gentle
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Making Repairs in Description Logics More Gentle
Vortrag von Adrian Nuradiansyah
- Veranstaltungsort: APB 3027
- Beginn: 18. Oktober 2018 um 13:30
- Ende: 18. Oktober 2018 um 14:30
- Forschungsgruppe: Automatentheorie
- Forschungsgruppe: Computational Logic
- Forschungsgruppe: Wissensbasierte Systeme
- Event series: KBS Seminar
- iCal
"The classical approach for repairing a Description Logic ontology O in the sense of removing an unwanted consequence α is to delete a minimal number of axioms from O such that the resulting ontology O′ does not have the consequence α. However, the complete deletion of axioms may be too rough, in the sense that it may also remove consequences that are actually wanted. To alleviate this problem, we propose a more gentle notion of repair in which axioms are not deleted but only weakened. On the one hand, we investigate the general properties of this gentle repair method. On the other hand, we propose and analyze concrete approaches for weakening axioms expressed in the Description Logic EL."
This is a rehearsal talk for KR 2018.- Weitere Infos unter: