The New SQID: Improving Wikidata Made Easy

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The New SQID: Improving Wikidata Made Easy

Maximilian MarxMaximilian Marx,  Markus KrötzschMarkus Krötzsch
Maximilian Marx, Markus Krötzsch
The New SQID: Improving Wikidata Made Easy
Presentation at WikidataCon 2017, 2017
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    SQID is a data browser for Wikidata that integrates data from various sources, including the Wikidata Query service, the Wikidata API, Wikidata dumps (analysed offline), and further Wikimedia sources. It features class and property browsers, and provides a concise display of both outgoing and incoming statements for items. A recent addition to SQID is the integration of proposals from Primary Sources, where proposed references may be approved or rejected with just a single click.

    We extend SQID with a reasoning component that is able to infer new statements from existing data. These rules can be used to:

    • materialise statements that should be present, but are not (such as inverses of “spouse” statements);
    • find inconsistencies in the data (e.g., statements missing mandatory qualifiers); and to
    • display statements that logically follow from the data, but do not need to be materialised (e.g., “relative” statements obtained from following “father”/“mother”-paths).

    Rules of the latter type contribute to a better browsing experience by making explicit data that could only be obtained by combining different statements (not necessarily belonging to the same item), whereas rules of the former types help to improve the quality of the data itself.

    After introducing the basic usage of SQID, we demonstrate applications for rules in the use cases above, and initiate a community discussion on the further use of this tool.
  • Weitere Informationen unter:Further Information: Link
  • Projekt:Project: DIAMOND
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Wissensbasierte SystemeKnowledge-Based Systems
  author = {Maximilian Marx and Markus Kr{\"{o}}tzsch},
  title  = {The New {SQID:} Improving Wikidata Made Easy},
  year   = {2017}