Seminar Selected Topics on Existential Rules

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Seminar Selected Topics on Existential Rules

Lehrveranstaltung mit SWS 0/2/0 (Vorlesung/Übung/Praktikum) in SS 2019


Umfang (SWS)

  • 0/2/0



  • Hausarbeit
  • Referat


Existential Rules are a knowledge representation formalism used in artificial intelligence and database theory. Their syntactic flexibility enables an easy integration of both semantic knowledge and databases. Syntactically close to Datalog rules, an important distinguishing feature is the possibility to describe individuals whose existence was not originally known, which is of great help for modeling purposes. On this seminar, we will discuss the limits of the expressivity of existential rules, as well as several existing techniques to effectively reason over decidable fragments of this language.

Research Opportunities

If interested, we can provide seminar attendees with follow-up research-related tasks that may be later developed into master's or bachelor's theses, and/or publications.

Schedule and Location

The weekly lecture session will take place on Tuesdays DS5 in room APB/E005.


Students will be required to produce an extended summary of a self-selected research paper (see the "Literature" tab) and then do a presentation on this work.


Most of the slides used in this seminar are based on slides created by Andreas Pieris and Michaël Thomazo. These slides were originally used in the ESSLLI 2015 Student Session.


Please, feel free to send me an email at if you have any further questions.

Veranstaltungskalender abonnieren (icalendar)

Vorlesung Syntax and Semantics I DS5, 2. April 2019 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Syntax and Semantics II DS5, 9. April 2019 in APB E005 Datei
