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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A general first-order solution to the ramification problem with cycles + (A general first-order solution to the ramification problem with cycles)
- A generalized resolution theorem + (A generalized resolution theorem)
- A generalized resolution theorem + (A generalized resolution theorem)
- A gentle introduction to partition width + (A gentle introduction to partition width)
- A gentle introduction to partition width + (A gentle introduction to partition width)
- A hybrid approach for learning concept definitions from text + (A hybrid approach for learning concept definitions from text)
- A new combination procedure for the word problem that generalizes fusion decidability results in modal logics + (A new combination procedure for the word problem that generalizes fusion decidability results in modal logics)
- A new context-based -subsumption algorithm + (A new context-based -subsumption algorithm)
- A nice Cycle Rule for Goal-Directed E-Unification + (A nice Cycle Rule for Goal-Directed E-Unification)
- A note on C2 interpreted over finite data-words + (A note on C2 interpreted over finite data-words)
- A note on controllability of deterministic context-free systems + (A note on controllability of deterministic context-free systems)
- A note on the attractor-property of infinite-state Markov chains + (A note on the attractor-property of infinite-state Markov chains)
- A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation + (A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation)
- A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation + (A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation)
- A probabilistic visual sensor model for mobile robot localisation in structured environments + (A probabilistic visual sensor model for mobile robot localisation in structured environments)
- A proof of CSP Dichotomy conjecture + (A proof of CSP Dichotomy conjecture)
- A proof of CSP Dichotomy conjecture + (A proof of CSP Dichotomy conjecture)
- A purely logical account of sequentiality in proof search – extended abstract + (A purely logical account of sequentiality in proof search – extended abstract)
- A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes + (A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes)
- A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes + (A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes)
- A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes + (A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes)
- A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes + (A revised evaluation framework for region of interest detectors using artificial 3d-scenes)
- A robot control system integrating reactive control, reasoning, and execution monitoring + (A robot control system integrating reactive control, reasoning, and execution monitoring)
- A rule based data manipulation language for OLAP systems + (A rule based data manipulation language for OLAP systems)
- A rule based data manipulation language for OLAP systems + (A rule based data manipulation language for OLAP systems)
- A rule-based ontological framework for the classification of molecules + (A rule-based ontological framework for the classification of molecules)
- A semi-supervised method for learning the structure of robot-environment interaction + (A semi-supervised method for learning the structure of robot-environment interaction)
- A systematic proof theory for several modal logics + (A systematic proof theory for several modal logics)
- A tableau algorithm for reasoning about concepts and similarity + (A tableau algorithm for reasoning about concepts and similarity)
- A uniform approach to logic programming semantics + (A uniform approach to logic programming semantics)
- A uniform framework for modeling and verifying components and connectors + (A uniform framework for modeling and verifying components and connectors)
- A uniform framework for weighted decision diagrams and its implementation + (A uniform framework for weighted decision diagrams and its implementation)
- A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications + (A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications)
- A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications + (A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications)
- A1-Unification + (A1-Unification)
- ADF - BDD : An ADF Solver Based on Binary Decision Diagrams + (ADF - BDD : An ADF Solver Based on Binary Decision Diagrams)
- ADF-BDD.DEV: Debug Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with Binary Decision Diagrams + (ADF-BDD.DEV: Debug Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with Binary Decision Diagrams)
- ADF-BDD.DEV: Insights to undecided Statements in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (ADF-BDD.DEV: Insights to undecided Statements in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks)
- AGM Revision in Description Logics under Fixed-Domain Semantics + (AGM Revision in Description Logics under Fixed-Domain Semantics)
- AI Young Investigator Group for Sarah Gaggl + (AI Young Investigator Group for Sarah Gaggl)
- ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic + (ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic)
- ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic + (ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic)
- ASPARTIX Conquers the Web + (ASPARTIX Conquers the Web)
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition + (ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition)
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition + (ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition)
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition + (ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition)
- ASPARTIX: A System for Computing Different Argumentation Semantics in Answer-Set Programming + (ASPARTIX: A System for Computing Different Argumentation Semantics in Answer-Set Programming)
- ASPARTIX: Implementing Argumentation Frameworks Using Answer-Set Programming + (ASPARTIX: Implementing Argumentation Frameworks Using Answer-Set Programming)
- ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors + (ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors)
- ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors + (ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors)