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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Computational Logic and Human Reasoning + (Hölldobler)
- EU-Drittlandprogramme 2007-2013 + (Hölldobler)
- A New Computational Model for Human Reasoning + (Hölldobler)
- Logics and Networks for the Suppression Task + (Hölldobler)
- An Abductive Model for Human Reasoning + (Hölldobler)
- The European PhD Program in Computational Logic + (Hölldobler)
- Study Programs on Computational Logic at TUD + (Hölldobler)
- A Computational Logic Approach to Human Reasoning + (Hölldobler)
- Solving Hidokus Using SAT-Solvers + (Hölldobler)
- Human Reasoning and Computational Logic + (Hölldobler)
- The European PhD Program in Computational Logic + (Hölldobler)
- A Simple Model for the Wason Selection Task + (Hölldobler)
- Human Reasoning and Computational Logic + (Hölldobler)
- Satisfiability Testing and its Applications + (Hölldobler)
- Modern Cooperative Parallel SAT Solving + (Irfan)
- Search Space Splitting with Lookahead + (Irfan)
- Parsing of Lexicalised Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems via Supertagging + (Ivliev)
- Reliance-Based Optimization of Existential Rule Reasoning + (Ivliev)
- Nemo: First Glimpse of a New Rule Engine + (Ivliev)
- Nemo: Your Friendly and Versatile Rule Reasoning Toolkit + (Ivliev)
- Nemo: A Scalable and Versatile Datalog Engine + (Ivliev)
- From LTL to Unambiguous Büchi Automata via Disambiguation of Alternating Automata + (Jantsch)
- Minimal witnesses for probabilistic timed automata + (Jantsch)
- SWITSS: Computing Small Witnessing Subsystems + (Jantsch)
- Witnessing Subsystems for Probabilistic Systems with Low Tree Width + (Jantsch)
- From LTL to Unambiguous Büchi Automata via Disambiguation of Alternating Automata + (Jantsch)
- From Default and Autoepistemic Logics to Disjunctive Answer Set Programs via the Logic of GK + (Ji)
- Implementing Default and Autoepistemic Logics via the Logic of GK + (Ji)
- On the State Complexity of the Reverse of R- and J-Trivial Regular Languages + (Jirásková)
- On a structural property in the state complexity of projected regular languages + (Jirásková)
- On Properties and State Complexity of Deterministic State-Partition Automata + (Jirásková)
- On the State and Computational Complexity of the Reverse of Acyclic Minimal DFAs + (Jirásková)
- Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages + (Jirásková)
- Complexity in Union-Free Regular Languages + (Jirásková)
- State Complexity of Projected Languages + (Jirásková)
- Estrategias de combinación de recursos lexicográficos en la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras (en contextos específicos) + (Johannes)
- Determinization and Limit-Determinization of Emerson-Lei Automata + (John)
- From Emerson-Lei Automata to Deterministic, Limit-Deterministic or Good-for-MDP Automata + (John)
- Multimodality in Mobile Computing and Mobile Devices: Methods for Adaptable Usability + (Kadner)
- A formal assessment result for fluent calculus using the action description language A_k + (Kahramanogullari)
- Nondeterminism and Language Design in Deep Inference + (Kahramanogullari)
- Plans as Formulae with a Non-commutative Logical Operator - Planning as Concurrency + (Kahramanoğulları)
- System BV is NP-complete + (Kahramanoğulları)
- Reducing Nondeterminism in the Calculus of Structures + (Kahramanoğulları)
- Implementing System BV of the Calculus of Structures in Maude + (Kahramanoğulları)
- Towards Planning as Concurrency + (Kahramanoğulları)
- System BV without the Equalities for Unit + (Kahramanoğulları)
- Implementing Deep Inference in TOM + (Kahramanoğulları)
- Rekurrente Neuronale Netze zur Approximation der Semantik akzeptabler logischer Programme + (Kalinke)
- Using Connectionist Term Representations for First-Order-Deduction- A Critical View + (Kalinke)
- Approximation der Funktion Tp normaler logischer Programme P durch 3-schichtige vorwärtsgerichtete Netze + (Kalinke)
- Detecting Synonymous Properties by Shared Data-driven Definitions + (Kalo)