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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory + (Hannes)
- Expressiveness of Two-Valued Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Hannes)
- Operational Semantics for a Fuzzy Logic Programming System with Defaults and Constructive Answers + (Hannes)
- On Defaults in Action Theories + (Hannes)
- Simple Default Reasoning in Theories of Action + (Hannes)
- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory + (Hannes)
- Implementing Instantiation of Knowledge Bases in Argumentation Frameworks + (Hannes)
- The Relative Expressiveness of Abstract Argumentation and Logic Programming + (Hannes)
- Defaults in Action: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi + (Hannes)
- A General First-Order Solution to the Ramification Problem + (Hannes)
- Default Reasoning in Action Theories with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions + (Hannes)
- Default Reasoning about Conditional, Non-Local and Disjunctive Effect Actions + (Hannes)
- The draculasp System: Default Reasoning about Actions and Change Using Logic and Answer Set Programming + (Hannes)
- Instantiating Knowledge Bases in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Hannes)
- On the Relative Expressiveness of Argumentation Frameworks, Normal Logic Programs and Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Hannes)
- Representational Succinctness of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Hannes)
- On Automated Defeasible Reasoning with Controlled Natural Language and Argumentation + (Hannes)
- EMIL: Extracting Meaning from Inconsistent Language: Towards argumentation using a controlled natural language interface + (Hannes)
- What Can Approximation Fixpoint Theory Do For (Abstract) Argumentation? + (Hannes)
- A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus + (Hans--Peter)
- A compact fuzzy extension of the Naive Bayesian classification algorithm + (Hans-Peter)
- Planen im Fluentkalkül mit binären Entscheidungsdiagrammen + (Hans-Peter)
- Semantic Wikipedia (software demo) + (Heiko)
- A framework for connection calculi + (Heiko)
- Syntax-Directed Semantics + (Heiko)
- A Weighted MSO Logic with Storage Behaviour and Its Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot Theorem + (Heiko)
- Der Designkatalog: Ein erster Schritt in Richtung eines FABEL-Anwendungssystems + (Helge)
- Fallverwaltung in heterogenen Fallwissensbasen + (Helge)
- The Projection Problem for EL Actions + (Hongkai)
- Foundations of instance level updates in expressive description logics + (Hongkai)
- Initial Computability Algebraic Specifications and Partial Algebras + (Horst)
- Practical Reasoning for Description Logics with Functional Restrictions, Inverse and Transitive Roles, and Role Hierarchies + (Ian)
- Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics + (Ian)
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles and Role Hierarchies + (Ian)
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Inverse Roles and Role Hierarchies + (Ian)
- Reasoning with Axioms: Theory and Practice + (Ian)
- Optimisation of Terminological Reasoning + (Ian)
- Practical Reasoning for Very Expressive Description Logics + (Ian)
- Reasoning with Individuals for the Description Logic SHIQ + (Ian)
- How to decide Query Containment under Constraints using a Description Logic + (Ian)
- How to decide Query Containment under Constraints using a Description Logic + (Ian)
- Ontology Reasoning in the SHOQ(D) Description Logic + (Ian)
- Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ + (Ian)
- Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms + (Ian)
- A PSpace-algorithm for deciding ALCNI_R^+-satisfiability + (Ian)
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles and Role Hierarchies + (Ian)
- Optimisation of Terminological Reasoning + (Ian)
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles, Role Hierarchies and Qualifying Number Restrictions + (Ian)
- Query Containment Using a DLR ABox + (Ian)
- Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ + (Ian)
- Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms + (Ian)
- Next directions in experimental data for seismic hazard mitigation + (Ignacio)