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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic + (3-24)
- Description Logics + (3-28)
- SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web + (3-4)
- A "Converse" of the Banach Contraction Mapping Theorem + (3-6)
- Generalized Ultrametric Spaces in Quantitative Domain Theory + (30--49)
- A Behavioral Characterization of Computational Systems + (30-33)
- SAT-Encoding of Unification in ELH_R^+ w.r.t. Cycle-Restricted Ontologies + (30-44)
- Towards Farsighted Dependencies for Existential Rules + (30-45)
- A Two-tier Index Architecture for Fast Processing Large RDF Data over Distributed Memory + (300-302)
- Computing in Civil Engineering + (301-307)
- Combination Techniques and Decision Problems for Disunification + (301-315)
- A categorical view on algebraic lattices in formal concept analysis + (301-328)
- Sound, Complete, and Minimal Query Rewriting for Existential Rules + (3017-3025)
- Do Repeat Yourself: Understanding Sufficient Conditions for Restricted Chase Non-Termination (Technical Report) + (301–310)
- A Purely Logical Account of Sequentiality in Proof Search + (302-316)
- KI-96: Abvances in Artificial Intelligence + (303-306)
- Concurrent Classification of EL Ontologies + (305-320)
- Embedding Defaults into Terminological Representation Systems + (306-317)
- A Probabilistic Quantitative Analysis of Probabilistic-Write/Copy-Select + (307--321)
- A Framework for Semantic-based Similarity Measures for ELH-Concepts + (307-319)
- Nominal Schemas in Description Logics: Complexities Clarified + (308-317)
- On reduction criteria for probabilistic reward models + (309--320)
- What Is a Reasonable Argumentation Semantics? + (309-324)
- Combination Problems for Commutative/Monoidal Theories: How Algebra Can Help in Equational Reasoning + (309-337)
- Simple Default Reasoning in Theories of Action + (31--40)
- Bisimulations, logics, and trace distributions for stochastic systems with rewards + (31--40)
- A Logic-Based Approach to Dynamic Programming + (31-36)
- Situation Recognition for Service Management Systems Using OWL 2 Reasoners + (31-36)
- Asynchronous Multi-Context Systems + (31-38)
- Hacía un marco ontológico y epistemológico para una metodología de la verificación de los programas computacionales en ciencia de la computación + (31-62)
- Conjunctive Queries for a Tractable Fragment of OWL 1.1 + (310--323)
- Reasoning in Semantic Wikis + (310--329)
- Standpoint Linear Temporal Logic + (311-321)
- Semantic MediaWiki + (311-326)
- Designing a Counter: Another case study of Dynamics and Activation Landscapes in Recurrent Networks + (313-324)
- Computing First-Order Logic Programs by Fibring Artificial Neural Networks + (314-319)
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata + (315--323)
- On Upper and Lower Bounds on the Length of Alternating Towers + (315-326)
- Membership Constraints in Formal Concept Analysis + (3186-3192)
- Least Common Subsumers and Most Specific Concepts in a Description Logic with Existential Restrictions and Terminological Cycles + (319-324)
- A Note on Limited Pushdown Alphabets in Stateless Deterministic Pushdown Automata + (319-328)
- Expressive Number Restrictions in Description Logics + (319-350)
- Characterization of the Expressivity of Existential Rule Queries + (3193-3199)
- Making Sense of Conflicting (Defeasible) Rules in the Controlled Natural Language ACE: Design of a System with Support for Existential Quantification Using Skolemization + (32--37)
- Making Sense of Conflicting (Defeasible) Rules in the Controlled Natural Language ACE: Design of a System with Support for Existential Quantification Using Skolemization + (32-37)
- Acquiring Generalized Domain-Range Restrictions + (32-45)
- Reifying RDF: What Works Well With Wikidata? + (32-47)
- Model Checking Probabilistic Systems Against Pushdown Specifications + (320--328)
- Reasoning about Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems + (320--333)
- A Method of Estimating Oriented Surface Elements from Stereo Images + (320-329)
- Using FCA for Encoding of Closure Operators into Neural Networks + (321 -- 332)
- MoDDo - a tailored documentation system for model-driven software development + (321-324)