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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Beyond NP Revolution + (Kuldeep Meel)
- Modelling Dynamics in Semantic Web Knowledge Graphs with Formal Concept Analysis + (Larry Gonzalez)
- Multilinguality in Knowledge Graphs + (Lucie-Aimée Kaffee)
- Standpoint logic: a multi-modal logic for reasoning within semantic indeterminacy + (Lucía Gómez Álvarez)
- Standpoint Logic: Multi-Perspective Knowledge Representation + (Lucía Gómez Álvarez)
- How to Agree to Disagree: Managing Ontological Perspectives using Standpoint Logic + (Lucía Gómez Álvarez)
- Weighted Automata with Storage + (Luisa Hermann)
- Decidable (Ac)counting with Parikh and Muller: Adding Presburger Arithmetic to Monadic Second-Order Logic over Tree-Interpretable Structures + (Luisa Herrmann)
- Tree Automata with Global and Non-Global Counting + (Luisa Herrmann)
- Don’t Repeat Yourself: Termination of the Skolem Chase on Disjunctive Existential Rules + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Evaluating the Generality of Disjunctive Model Faithful Acyclicity on OWL ontologies + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Detecting Non-Existence of Finite Universal Models for Existential Rules + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Chase-Based Computation of Cores for Existential Rules + (Lukas Gerlach)
- General Acyclicity and Cyclicity Notions for the Disjunctive Skolem Chase + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Do Repeat Yourself: Understanding Sufficient Conditions for Restricted Chase Non-Termination + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal Models + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Finite Groundings for ASP with Functions: A Journey through Consistency + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Formalizing Possibly Infinite Trees of Bounded Degree + (Lukas Gerlach)
- Description Logic with Abstraction and Refinement + (Lukas Schulze)
- Introducing the Gitlab installation on + (Lukas Schweizer)
- Fixed-Domain Reasoning for Description Logics + (Lukas Schweizer)
- Not too Big, Not too Small ... Complexities of Fixed-Domain Reasoning in First-Order and Description Logics + (Lukas Schweizer)
- A SHACL primer for KR researchers + (Magdalena Ortiz)
- Topological Clones and the Computational Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction Problems + (Manuel Bodirsky)
- Monotone Monadic SNP 1: Classical Results and Applications + (Manuel Bodirsky)
- ASNP: a tame fragment of existential second-order logic + (Manuel Bodirsky and Simon Knäuer)
- Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms + (Marcelo Finger)
- Blockmodelling Knowledge Graphs + (Marcin Pietrasik)
- Statistics for Knowledge Graph Modelling + (Marcin Pietrasik)
- SCF2 - an Argumentation Semantics for Rational Human Judgments on Argument Acceptability + (Marcos Cramer)
- Image schemas in computational concept invention + (Maria Hedblom)
- STEP by Step, towards Smart Services + (Maria Maleshkova)
- Knowledge Dynamics in Social Environments + (Maria Vanina Martinez)
- From Data to Knowledge: Extending Database Techniques for Knowledge Graphs + (Maribel Acosta)
- Can AI explanations skew our causal intuitions about the world? If so, can we correct for that? + (Marko Tesic)
- TE-ETH: Lower Bounds for QBFs of Bounded Treewidth + (Markus Hecher)
- The World Avatar project – a universal digital twin + (Markus KRAFT)
- Introducing a Semantic Web Portal for Everyone (in Logic) (at TU Dresden) + (Markus Krötzsch)
- Reasonable Highly Expressive Query Languages + (Markus Krötzsch)
- An Introduction to Wikidata + (Markus Krötzsch)
- Getting the most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in Wikipedia’s Knowledge Graph + (Markus Krötzsch)
- Ontological Modelling in Wikidata + (Markus Krötzsch)
- The Power of the Terminating Chase + (Markus Krötzsch)
- Knowledge Graphs for AI: Wikidata and Beyond + (Markus Krötzsch)
- Capturing Homomorphism-Closed Decidable Queries with Existential Rules + (Markus Krötzsch)
- Efficiently Solving Unbounded Integer Programs in the context of SMT Solvers + (Martin Bromberger)
- A Datalog hammer for supervisor verification conditions modulo simple linear arithmetic + (Martin Bromberger)
- Making sense of conflicting defeasible rules in the controlled natural language ACE: design of a system with support for existential quantification using skolemization + (Martin Diller)
- Flexible Dispute Derivations with Forward and Backward Arguments for Assumption-Based Argumentation + (Martin Diller)
- Formalizing "Formale Systeme" + (Matthias Meißner)
- The RustBelt and its Separation Logic + (Matthias Meißner)