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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Making sense of conflicting defeasible rules in the controlled natural language ACE: design of a system with support for existential quantification using skolemization + (Martin Diller)
- Flexible Dispute Derivations with Forward and Backward Arguments for Assumption-Based Argumentation + (Martin Diller)
- Formalizing "Formale Systeme" + (Matthias Meißner)
- The RustBelt and its Separation Logic + (Matthias Meißner)
- Forgetting Atoms and Arguments + (Matti Berthold)
- Universality Results for Spiking Neural P Systems with Cooperating Rules + (Maximilian Marx)
- Logic on MARS: Ontologies for Generalised Property Graphs + (Maximilian Marx)
- SQID: Reasonable Wikidata + (Maximilian Marx)
- Preserving Constraints with the Stable Chase + (Maximilian Marx)
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata + (Maximilian Marx)
- Tuple-Generating Dependencies Capture Complex Values + (Maximilian Marx)
- Towards Conjunctive Query Answering in Defeasible EL_bot + (Maximilian Pensel)
- Knowledge Graph Embedding + (Michael Cochez)
- Semantic Search for Novel Information + (Michael Färber)
- Suche struktureller Ähnlichkeiten in großen Graphen + (Michael Günther)
- Graph Structure and Monadic Second-Order Logic + (Michaël Thomazo)
- Characterization of the Expressivity of Existential Rule Queries + (Michaël Thomazo)
- A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules + (Michaël Thomazo)
- Reasoning about disclosure in data integration in the presence of source constraints + (Michaël Thomazo)
- Modeling Computational Properties of Description Logics in ASP + (Mohamed Ibrahim)
- Algebraic Aspects of Propositional Logic, and Future Work in Defeasible Reasoning + (Nicholas Leisegang)
- Admissibility in Probabilistic Argumentation + (Nikolai Käfer)
- Generating molecule graphs from mass spectrometry results using Answer-Set-Programming + (Nils Küchenmeister)
- Discovering Fine-Grained Semantics in Knowledge Graph Relations + (Nitisha Jain)
- What makes modern SAT Solvers work that well + (Norbert Manthey)
- Satisfiability Testing -- Recent Developments and Open Problems + (Norbert Manthey)
- Adding Threshold Concepts to the Description Logic EL + (Oliver Fernández Gil)
- Standard and Non-Standard Inferences in the Description Logic FL0 Using Tree Automata + (Oliver Fernández Gil)
- Big Data Variety: On-Demand Data Integration + (Oscar Romero)
- Pattern-based ontology modeling and some of its implications for Description Logics research + (Pascal Hitzler)
- Selected Advances in Data Semantics + (Pascal Hitzler)
- Tsetlin Machine, A Game Theoretic Bandit Driven Approach to Optimal Pattern Recognition with Propositional Logic + (Patrick Karlsen)
- Uniform Interpolation for Expressive Description Logics + (Patrick Koopmann)
- Using Ontologies to Query Probabilistic Numerical Data + (Patrick Koopmann)
- Ontology-Based Query Answering for Probabilistic Temporal Data + (Patrick Koopmann)
- A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation + (Paula Chocrón)
- Quantitative Versions of the Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem + (Pavlos Marantidis)
- Functional models and Data Complexity for FL0 + (Pavlos Marantidis)
- Extending Matching in Description Logics + (Pavlos Marantidis)
- Solving Datalog(S) Problems with Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Using Datalog to Ground ASP Programs + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Challenges of Using Leapfrog Triejoin for Datalog Programs + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Indexing for Datalog Materialisation with Leapfrog Triejoin + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Chase Termination Beyond Polynomial Time + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Containment of Monadic Datalog + (Pierre Bourhis)
- Provenance and Probabilities in Relational Databases + (Pierre Senellart)
- Exploiting Treewidth for Counting in Abstract Argumentation + (Piotr Gorczyca)
- News about Reasoning with Bit-Vectors + (Prof. Armin Biere)
- Adaptive Language Interaction + (Prof. Dr. Vera Demberg (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Computer Science and Computational Linguistics))
- Temporal reasoning with DatalogMTL + (Przemysław Wałęga)
- Adding Circumscription to Decidable Fragments of First-Order Logic: A Complexity Rollercoaster + (Quentin Maniere)
- Interface between Logical Analysis of Data and Formal Concept Analysis + (Radek Janoštík)