D3.1.1 Context Languages - State of the Art

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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D3.1.1 Context Languages - State of the Art

Peter HaasePeter Haase,  Pascal HitzlerPascal Hitzler,  Sebastian RudolphSebastian Rudolph,  Guilin QiGuilin Qi,  Marko GrobelnikMarko Grobelnik,  Igor MozeticIgor Mozetic,  Damjan BojadzievDamjan Bojadziev,  Jérôme EuzenatJérôme Euzenat,  Mathieu d'AquinMathieu d'Aquin,  Aldo GangemiAldo Gangemi,  Carola CatenacciCarola Catenacci
D3.1.1 Context Languages - State of the Art

Peter Haase, Pascal Hitzler, Sebastian Rudolph, Guilin Qi, Marko Grobelnik, Igor Mozetic, Damjan Bojadziev, Jérôme Euzenat, Mathieu d'Aquin, Aldo Gangemi, Carola Catenacci
D3.1.1 Context Languages - State of the Art
Universität Karlsruhe (TH), (D3.1.1), NeOn Project Deliverable, August 2006
  author      = {Peter Haase and Pascal Hitzler and Sebastian Rudolph and Guilin
                 Qi and Marko Grobelnik and Igor Mozetic and Damjan Bojadziev
                 and J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me  Euzenat and Mathieu {d'Aquin} and Aldo
                 Gangemi and Carola Catenacci},
  title       = {D3.1.1 Context Languages - State of the Art},
  number      = {D3.1.1},
  institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Karlsruhe (TH)},
  year        = {2006},
  month       = {August}