Tunas - Fishing for Diverse Answer Sets: A Multi-Shot Trade up Strategy
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Tunas - Fishing for Diverse Answer Sets: A Multi-Shot Trade up Strategy
Elisa BöhlElisa Böhl, Sarah Alice GagglSarah Alice Gaggl
Elisa Böhl, Sarah Alice Gaggl
Tunas - Fishing for Diverse Answer Sets: A Multi-Shot Trade up Strategy
In Georg Gottlob, Daniela Inclezan, Marco Maratea, eds., Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2022), volume 13416 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 89-102, August 2022. Springer International Publishing
Tunas - Fishing for Diverse Answer Sets: A Multi-Shot Trade up Strategy
In Georg Gottlob, Daniela Inclezan, Marco Maratea, eds., Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2022), volume 13416 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 89-102, August 2022. Springer International Publishing
- KurzfassungAbstract
Answer set programming (ASP) solvers have advanced in recent years, with a variety of different specialisation and overall development. Thus, even more complex and detailed programs can be solved. A side effect of this development are growing solution spaces and the problem of how to find those answer sets one is interested in. One general approach is to give an overview in form of a small number of highly diverse answer sets. By choosing a favourite and repeating the process, the user is able to leap through the solution space. But finding highly diverse answer sets is computationally expensive. In this paper we introduce a new approach called Tunas for Trade Up Navigation for Answer Sets to find diverse answer sets by reworking existing solution collections. The core idea is to collect diverse answer sets one after another by iteratively solving and updating the program. Once no more answer sets can be added to the collection, the program is allowed to trade answer sets from the collection for different answer sets, as long as the collection grows and stays diverse. Elaboration of the approach is possible in three variations, which we implemented and compared to established methods in an empirical evaluation. The evaluation shows that the Tunas approach is competitive with existing methods, and that efficiency of the approach is highly connected to the underlying logic program. - Projekt:Project: NAVAS
- Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Logische Programmierung und ArgumentationLogic Programming and Argumentation
author = {Elisa B{\"{o}}hl and Sarah Alice Gaggl},
title = {Tunas - Fishing for Diverse Answer Sets: A Multi-Shot Trade up
editor = {Georg Gottlob and Daniela Inclezan and Marco Maratea},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Logic
Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2022)},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {13416},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
year = {2022},
month = {August},
pages = {89-102},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15707-3_8}