Timetable in Winter Term 2016/17

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Timetable in Winter Term 2016/17

Please note that this timetable is still liable to change.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
DS 1:
07.30 - 09.00
DS 2:
09.20 - 10.50
AA (s) DS (t)
LPE (t)
IFCA (t) SC (l)
MC (l/t)
MC (l/t)
DS 3:
11.10 - 12.40
DL (t) LPE (t) FLP (l) SC (l)
MC (l/t)
MC (l/t)
DS 4:
13.00 - 14.30
TIS (l)
L (l)
TIS (t)
ICCL Colloquium
FCP (l/t) MCC (l)
SCL (l)
HR (t)
DS 5:
14.50 - 16.20
Open House
TCS (t)
DPF (t)
L (t) in APB 2026
ICCL Colloquium
HR (l) DS (l)
SCL (t)
PPAB (s)
DS 6:
16.40 - 18.10
KRR (s) DL (l) IFCA (l) DL (l) FLP (t)**
DS 7:
18.30 - 20.00
German * German *

Location: In general the classes are held in room APB E005. Only the classes written in bold are held in APB E023.

*German language course is offered by TUDIAS. Information about the registration will be given in the introductory week.
**FLP (t) is held every fortnight.



AA Seminar Abstract Argumentation [Gaggl]
SCL Science of CL [Hölldobler]
DL Description Logics [Turhan]
IFCA Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis [Rudolph]
HR Human Reasoning and Computational Logic [Hölldobler]
KRR Knowledge Representation and Reasoning [Hölldobler]
L Logic [Hölldobler]
LPE LP Engineering [Klüppelholz]
FLP Foundations of Logic Programming [Rudolph]
FCP Foundations of Constraint Programming [Rudolph]
MC Model Checking [Baier, Klüppelholz]
PPAB Practical Plannings for Angry Birds [Rudolph]
TCS Theoretical Computer Science [Turhan]
DS Distributed Systems [Schill]
MCC Mobile Communication and Mobile Computation [Schill]
TIS Transactional Information Systems [Lehner]
SC Security & Cryptography I [Strufe]
DPF Design Patterns and Frameworks [Assmann]
l, t, s
Lecture, tutorial and seminar, respectively

Other Events

Open House Students and lecturers meet for open discussions
Projects Students are invited to contact the supervisor of their project to arrange meetings

Download the Timetable as PDF