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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors + (Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors)
- Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories + (Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories)
- Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories + (Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories)
- Decision making improves sperm chemotaxis in the presence of noise + (Decision making improves sperm chemotaxis in the presence of noise)
- Declarative Strategies for Agents with Incomplete Knowledge + (Declarative Strategies for Agents with Incomplete Knowledge)
- Decomposing Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Decomposing Abstract Dialectical Frameworks)
- Decomposing Finite Closure Operators by Attribute Exploration + (Decomposing Finite Closure Operators by Attribute Exploration)
- Decomposition of regular languages + (Decomposition of regular languages)
- Decomposition of regular languages + (Decomposition of regular languages)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deduction Systems + (Deduction Systems)
- Deductive Joint Support for Rational Unrestricted Rebuttal + (Deductive Joint Support for Rational Unrestricted Rebuttal)
- Deduktion: von der Theorie zur Anwendung + (Deduktion: von der Theorie zur Anwendung)
- Deduktives Planen + (Deduktives Planen)
- Deep Inference Christmas Meeting 2007 + (Deep Inference Christmas Meeting 2007)
- Deep Inference Christmas Meeting 2007 + (Deep Inference Christmas Meeting 2007)
- Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical Proofs + (Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical Proofs)
- Default Reasoning about Actions + (Default Reasoning about Actions)
- Default Reasoning about Actions via Abstract Argumentation + (Default Reasoning about Actions via Abstract Argumentation)
- Default Reasoning about Conditional, Non-Local and Disjunctive Effect Actions + (Default Reasoning about Conditional, Non-Local and Disjunctive Effect Actions)
- Default Reasoning in Action Theories with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions + (Default Reasoning in Action Theories with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions)
- Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies + (Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies)
- Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies + (Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies)
- Defaults in Action: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi + (Defaults in Action: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi)
- Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype + (Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype)
- Defeasible AceRules: A prototype + (Defeasible AceRules: A prototype)
- Defining Relations: a general incremental approach with spatial temporal case studies + (Defining Relations: a general incremental approach with spatial temporal case studies)
- Delayed-Choice Semantics for Pomset Families and Message Sequence Graphs + (Delayed-Choice Semantics for Pomset Families and Message Sequence Graphs)
- Demag Cranes & Components GmbH + (Demag Cranes & Components GmbH)
- Demag Cranes & Components GmbH + (Demag Cranes & Components GmbH)
- Denotational Linear Time Semantics and Sequential Composition + (Denotational Linear Time Semantics and Sequential Composition)
- Denotational Semantics in the CPO and Metric Approach + (Denotational Semantics in the CPO and Metric Approach)
- Deontic Explanations via Logical Argumentation. + (Deontic Explanations via Logical Argumentation.)
- Deontic Explanations via Logical Argumentation. + (Deontic Explanations via Logical Argumentation.)
- Der Designkatalog: Ein erster Schritt in Richtung eines FABEL-Anwendungssystems + (Der Designkatalog: Ein erster Schritt in Richtung eines FABEL-Anwendungssystems)
- Derivation-Graph-Based Characterizations of Decidable Existential Rule Sets + (Derivation-Graph-Based Characterizations of Decidable Existential Rule Sets)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)