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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Exploration by Confidence + (Exploration by Confidence)
- Explorations into Belief State Compression + (Explorations into Belief State Compression)
- Explorations into Belief State Compression + (Explorations into Belief State Compression)
- Exploratory Programming for Formal Concept Analysis — An Introduction to conexp-clj + (Exploratory Programming for Formal Concept Analysis — An Introduction to conexp-clj)
- Exploring Faulty Data + (Exploring Faulty Data)
- Exploring Finite Models in the Description Logic ELgfp + (Exploring Finite Models in the Description Logic ELgfp)
- Exploring Implications and General Concept Inclusions with High Confidence + (Exploring Implications and General Concept Inclusions with High Confidence)
- Exploring Non-Regular Extensions of Propositional Dynamic Logic with Description-Logics Features. + (Exploring Non-Regular Extensions of Propositional Dynamic Logic with Description-Logics Features.)
- Exploring Relational Structures via FLE + (Exploring Relational Structures via FLE)
- Exploring finite models in the Description Logic EL_gfp + (Exploring finite models in the Description Logic EL_gfp)
- Exploring the Boundaries of Decidable Verification of Non-Terminating Golog Programs + (Exploring the Boundaries of Decidable Verification of Non-Terminating Golog Programs)
- Expressing Self-Referential Usage Policies for the Semantic Web + (Expressing Self-Referential Usage Policies for the Semantic Web)
- Expressing View-Based Query Processing and Related Approaches with Second-Order Operators + (Expressing View-Based Query Processing and Related Approaches with Second-Order Operators)
- Expressive Non-Monotonic Description Logics Based on Circumscription + (Expressive Non-Monotonic Description Logics Based on Circumscription)
- Expressive Non-Monotonic Description Logics Based on Circumscription + (Expressive Non-Monotonic Description Logics Based on Circumscription)
- Expressive Number Restrictions in Description Logics + (Expressive Number Restrictions in Description Logics)
- Expressive Tractable Description Logics based on SROIQ Rules + (Expressive Tractable Description Logics based on SROIQ Rules)
- Expressiveness of Two-Valued Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Expressiveness of Two-Valued Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks)
- Expressiveness of guarded existential rule languages + (Expressiveness of guarded existential rule languages)
- Expressivity of Datalog Variants - Completing the Picture + (Expressivity of Datalog Variants - Completing the Picture)
- Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract) + (Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies (Extended Abstract))
- Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies + (Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies)
- Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies + (Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies)
- Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies + (Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies)
- Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving + (Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving)
- Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving + (Extended Resolution in Modern SAT Solving)
- Extending Datalog with Sets Using an Encoding in Existential Rules + (Extending Datalog with Sets Using an Encoding in Existential Rules)
- Extending Datalog with Sets Using an Encoding in Existential Rules + (Extending Datalog with Sets Using an Encoding in Existential Rules)
- Extending Decidable Existential Rules by Joining Acyclicity and Guardedness + (Extending Decidable Existential Rules by Joining Acyclicity and Guardedness)
- Extending Description Logic Rules + (Extending Description Logic Rules)
- Extending Description Logics to Vague Knowledge in Medicine + (Extending Description Logics to Vague Knowledge in Medicine)
- Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms + (Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms)
- Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms + (Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms)
- Extending Matching in Description Logics + (Extending Matching in Description Logics)
- Extending Matching in Description Logics + (Extending Matching in Description Logics)
- Extending Two-Variable Logic on Trees + (Extending Two-Variable Logic on Trees)
- Extending Unification in EL Towards General TBoxes + (Extending Unification in EL Towards General TBoxes)
- Extending Unification in EL to Disunification: The Case of Dismatching and Local Disunification + (Extending Unification in EL to Disunification: The Case of Dismatching and Local Disunification)
- Extending the Combined Approach Beyond Lightweight Description Logics + (Extending the Combined Approach Beyond Lightweight Description Logics)
- Extending the Description Logic tEL(deg) with acyclic TBoxes + (Extending the Description Logic tEL(deg) with acyclic TBoxes)
- Extensions of Concept Languages for a Mechanical Engineering Application + (Extensions of Concept Languages for a Mechanical Engineering Application)
- Extensions of Concept Languages for a Mechanical Engineering Application + (Extensions of Concept Languages for a Mechanical Engineering Application)
- Extensions of Non-standard Inferences to Description Logics with transitive Roles + (Extensions of Non-standard Inferences to Description Logics with transitive Roles)
- Extensions to Description Logics + (Extensions to Description Logics)
- Extracting Confident General Concept Inclusions from Finite Interpretations + (Extracting Confident General Concept Inclusions from Finite Interpretations)
- Extracting Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)
- Extracting Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)
- Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach. + (Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach.)
- Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach. + (Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach.)
- Extracting Propositional Rules from Feed-forward Neural Networks – A New Decompositional Approach + (Extracting Propositional Rules from Feed-forward Neural Networks – A New Decompositional Approach)
- Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)
- Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)