Suche mittels Attribut
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Extracting Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)
- Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach. + (Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach.)
- Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach. + (Extracting Propositional Logic Programs From Neural Networks: A Decompositional Approach.)
- Extracting Propositional Rules from Feed-forward Neural Networks – A New Decompositional Approach + (Extracting Propositional Rules from Feed-forward Neural Networks – A New Decompositional Approach)
- Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)
- Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks + (Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks)
- Extraction of Multilingual Term Variants in the Business Reporting Domain + (Extraction of Multilingual Term Variants in the Business Reporting Domain)
- FABEL im Überblick + (FABEL im Überblick)
- FABEL-IDEA 2, Intelligente Designunterstützung für Architekten, Version 2: Fallretrieval + (FABEL-IDEA 2, Intelligente Designunterstützung für Architekten, Version 2: Fallretrieval)
- FABEL: Projektstatus, Perspektiven, Potentiale + (FABEL: Projektstatus, Perspektiven, Potentiale)
- FAENSY: Fabel Development System + (FAENSY: Fabel Development System)
- FCPlanner: A Planning Strategy for First-Order MDPs + (FCPlanner: A Planning Strategy for First-Order MDPs)
- FLUCAP: A Heuristic Search Planner for First-Order MDPs + (FLUCAP: A Heuristic Search Planner for First-Order MDPs)
- Faceted Answer-Set Navigation + (Faceted Answer-Set Navigation)
- Faceted Answer-Set Navigation + (Faceted Answer-Set Navigation)
- Faceted Answer-Set Navigation + (Faceted Answer-Set Navigation)
- Faiq Miftakhul Falakh + (Faiq Miftakhul Falakh)
- Faiq Miftakhul Falakh + (Faiq Miftakhul Falakh)
- Faiq Miftakhul Falakh, Sebastian Rudolph und Kai Sauerwald haben den Best Student Paper Award der Konferenz „RuleML+RR 2022“ gewonnen. + (Faiq Miftakhul Falakh, Sebastian Rudolph und Kai Sauerwald haben den Best Student Paper Award der Konferenz „RuleML+RR 2022“ gewonnen.)
- Faiq Miftakhul Falakh, Sebastian Rudolph, and Kai Sauerwald win the best student paper award at RuleML+RR 2022. + (Faiq Miftakhul Falakh, Sebastian Rudolph, and Kai Sauerwald win the best student paper award at RuleML+RR 2022.)
- Faktorisierung von natürlichen zahlen als sat-problem + (Faktorisierung von natürlichen zahlen als sat-problem)
- Faktorisierung von natürlichen zahlen als sat-problem + (Faktorisierung von natürlichen zahlen als sat-problem)
- Fallverwaltung in heterogenen Fallwissensbasen + (Fallverwaltung in heterogenen Fallwissensbasen)
- Fallverwaltung und Fallretrieval: Implementierungen und Tests + (Fallverwaltung und Fallretrieval: Implementierungen und Tests)
- Family-Based Modeling and Analysis for Probabilistic Systems - Featuring ProFeat + (Family-Based Modeling and Analysis for Probabilistic Systems - Featuring ProFeat)
- Farkas Certificates and Minimal Witnesses for Probabilistic Reachability Constraints + (Farkas Certificates and Minimal Witnesses for Probabilistic Reachability Constraints)
- Faron Moller + (Faron Moller)
- Faron Moller + (Faron Moller)
- Fast Compression of Large Semantic Web Data using X10 + (Fast Compression of Large Semantic Web Data using X10)
- Fast Computation of Proper Premises + (Fast Computation of Proper Premises)
- Fast Dual Simulation Processing of Graph Database Queries + (Fast Dual Simulation Processing of Graph Database Queries)
- Fast Dual Simulation Processing of Graph Database Queries (Supplement) + (Fast Dual Simulation Processing of Graph Database Queries (Supplement))
- Fast Indexing of Codebook Vectors Using Dynamic Binary Search Trees With Fat Decision Hyperplanes + (Fast Indexing of Codebook Vectors Using Dynamic Binary Search Trees With Fat Decision Hyperplanes)
- Fast Modularisation and Atomic Decomposition of Ontologies using Axiom Dependency Hypergraphs + (Fast Modularisation and Atomic Decomposition of Ontologies using Axiom Dependency Hypergraphs)
- Fast algorithms for implication bases and attribute exploration using proper premises + (Fast algorithms for implication bases and attribute exploration using proper premises)
- Felix Distel + (Felix Distel)
- Felix Distel + (Felix Distel)
- Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal Models + (Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal Models)
- Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal Models + (Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal Models)
- Filippo De Bortoli + (Filippo De Bortoli)
- Financial Support + (Financial Support)
- Financial Support for the study abroad + (Financial Support for the study abroad)
- Financial Support of the participation in EMCL student's workshops + (Financial Support of the participation in EMCL student's workshops)
- Financial Support of the participation in Summer schools + (Financial Support of the participation in Summer schools)
- Financial Support of the project work at Data61, Australia + (Financial Support of the project work at Data61, Australia)
- Financial support of the participation in conferences + (Financial support of the participation in conferences)
- Finding Finite Herbrand Models + (Finding Finite Herbrand Models)
- Finding Finite Herbrand Models + (Finding Finite Herbrand Models)