Suche mittels Attribut
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Investigating the finite-cliquewidth-model property of C². + (6. Juli 2023, 11:00:00)
- How I made my research more VISIBLE? Undecidability Results for ALC Extended with Visibly Pushdown Path Expressions. + (13. Juli 2023, 11:00:00)
- ICCL feiert großen Erfolg mit elf angenommenen Beiträgen bei Top-Konferenzen + (21. Juli 2023)
- Do Repeat Yourself: Understanding Sufficient Conditions for Restricted Chase Non-Termination + (27. Juli 2023, 11:00:00)
- On the Abstract Expressive Power of Description Logics with Concrete Domains + (24. August 2023, 11:00:00)
- Formalizing "Formale Systeme" + (31. August 2023, 11:00:00)
- ICCL veranstaltet JELIA 2023 + (13. September 2023)
- Representative Answer Sets: Collecting Something of Everything + (14. September 2023, 11:00:00)
- Temporal reasoning with DatalogMTL + (19. September 2023, 11:00:00)
- ICCL-Forschende mit Distinguished Paper Award geehrt + (20. September 2023)
- Knowledge graphs: description, validation and subsetting + (5. Oktober 2023, 11:00:00)
- Bartosz Bednarczyk hat den Best Student Paper Award der JELIA 2023 gewonnen. + (20. Oktober 2023)
- Bounded Treewidth and the Infinite Core Chase – Complications and Workarounds toward Decidable Querying + (2. November 2023, 11:00:00)
- Abstract Domains for Database Manipulating Processes + (9. November 2023, 11:00:00)
- Notation3 as an Existential Rule Language + (16. November 2023, 11:00:00)
- Logik geht durch den Magen -- modeling interesting phenomena in (not only) food computing + (14. Dezember 2023, 11:00:00)
- Davide Di Pierro besucht die KBS-Gruppe + (8. Januar 2024)
- PAC Completion of Description Logic TBoxes + (11. Januar 2024, 11:00:00)
- ICCL feiert World Logic Day + (14. Januar 2024)
- Giuseppina Monterosso besucht die Gruppe Logische Programmierung und Argumentation + (15. Januar 2024)
- A Logic-based Reasoning Framework for Graph Databases + (18. Januar 2024, 11:00:00)
- ASYDE: An Argumentation-based System for classifYing Driving bEhaviors + (1. Februar 2024, 11:00:00)
- SHACL validation over DL-Lite, ELHI and Horn-SHIQ ontologies (or calculating the core chase layer-by-layer) + (8. Februar 2024, 11:00:00)
- Answer Set Navigation alongside Quantitative Reasoning + (15. Februar 2024, 11:00:00)
- Generating molecule graphs from mass spectrometry results using Answer-Set-Programming + (28. März 2024, 11:00:00)
- Ankündigung: Themenvergabe für studentische Projekte + (18. April 2024)
- Fighting my Proof Anxiety with Lean - The Restricted Chase Indeed Yields Universal Models + (18. April 2024, 11:00:00)
- Best Paper Award für Forschende des ICCL + (19. April 2024)
- An Algebraic Notion of Conditional Independence, and its Application to Knowledge Representation + (25. April 2024, 11:00:00)
- Minesweeper goes Kaboom (in ASP) - and what makes it difficult + (16. Mai 2024, 11:00:00)
- Chase Termination Beyond Polynomial Time + (30. Mai 2024, 11:00:00)
- Forschungsgruppe Computational Logic begrüßt Anouk Michelle Oudshoorn und Nick Leisegang + (3. Juni 2024)
- Forschende der ICCL mit Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet + (6. Juni 2024)
- Musings on Graph Data, Schemas, Modality, and Coinduction + (6. Juni 2024, 11:00:00)
- ICCL-Forscher:innen nehmen an Rewe Team Challenge 2024 teil + (12. Juni 2024)
- Markus Krötzsch erhält den Lehrpreis 2024 + (13. Juni 2024)
- Data Complexity in Expressive Description Logics With Path Expressions + (13. Juni 2024, 11:00:00)
- Nemo: Your Friendly and Versatile Rule Reasoning Toolkit + (20. Juni 2024, 11:00:00)
- Database-Inspired Reasoning Problems in Description Logics With Path Expressions + (25. Juni 2024)
- A SHACL primer for KR researchers + (25. Juni 2024, 11:00:00)
- PhD Defense of Bartosz Bednarczyk + (25. Juni 2024, 13:30:00)
- Research Lightning Talks + (27. Juni 2024, 11:00:00)
- CACM-Blogartikel über die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf im akademischen Umfeld von ICCL-Forscherin Luisa Herrmann + (1. Juli 2024)
- Finite Groundings for ASP with Functions: A Journey through Consistency + (11. Juli 2024, 11:00:00)
- Algebraic Aspects of Propositional Logic, and Future Work in Defeasible Reasoning + (18. Juli 2024, 11:00:00)
- Multi-Cultural Commonsense Knowledge Base Construction + (8. August 2024, 11:00:00)
- Characterizing common argumentation semantics using branch evaluations for justification systems + (15. August 2024, 11:00:00)
- Probabilistic Causality in Markovian Models + (23. September 2024)
- Winning Snake: Design Choices in Multi-Shot ASP + (26. September 2024, 11:00:00)
- Adding Circumscription to Decidable Fragments of First-Order Logic: A Complexity Rollercoaster + (10. Oktober 2024, 11:00:00)
- Navigating ASP Solution Spaces (Canceled) + (17. Oktober 2024, 11:00:00)