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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt01.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt02.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt03.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt04.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt05.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt06.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt07.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt08.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt09.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt10.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt11.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt12.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt13.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Blatt14.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Probeklausur.pdf)
- Formale Systeme + (FoSys23-Repetitorium-01-overlay.pdf)
- Logic + (Fol2015-update.pdf)
- Logic + (Fol2015-update2.pdf)
- Logic + (Fol2015.pdf)
- Forschungslinie + (Forschungslinie2015-Graphs.tar.gz)
- Parsing of Lexicalised Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems via Supertagging + (Forschungsprojekt-Alex-Ivliev.pdf)
- A Data Warehouse Conceptual Data Model for Multidimensional Aggregation: a preliminary report + (
- A Data Warehouse Conceptual Data Model for Multidimensional Aggregation + (
- From Display to Labelled Proofs for Tense Logics + (From Display to Labelled Proofs for Tense Logics (PrePrint).pdf)
- A Probability Theoretic Analysis of Score Systems + (Fronhoefer:01:01.pdf)
- Adding Context to Tableaux for DLs + (FuPe-DL12.pdf)
- A Framework For Evaluating Visual SLAM + (Funke:08:BMVC.pdf)
- On Metric Temporal Description Logics + (GJO16.pdf)
- Design and results of the second international competition on computational models of argumentation + (GLMW19.pdf)
- Summary Report of the Second International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation + (GLMW2018.pdf)
- Design and Results of the Second International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation + (GLMW2019.pdf)
- Status QIO: Conjunctive Query Entailment is Decidable + (GR-KR2010-CQ4OIQ.pdf)
- Practical Fixed-Domain Reasoning for Description Logics - Extended Abstract + (GRS AMW2017.pdf)
- Expressiveness of guarded existential rule languages + (GRS2014.pdf)
- Integrated Metamodeling and Diagnosis in OWL 2 + (GRV2010-ISWC.pdf)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (GaggMRWW2015.pdf)
- Proceedings of the Second Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA'16) + (Gaggl ThimmSSA2016.pdf)
- Simulating Sets in Answer Set Programming + (Gaggl-Hanisch-Kroetzsch ASP-with-sets IJCAI2022.pdf)
- Introducing the Second International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation + (GagglLMW2016.pdf)
- Intertranslatability of Labeling-based Argumentation Semantics + (GagglM2016.pdf)
- On the Computational Complexity of Naive-based Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (GagglRS2015IJCAI.pdf)
- Fixed-Domain Reasoning for Description Logics + (GagglRS2016a.pdf)
- On the Decomposition of ADFs and the Complexity of Naive-based Semantics + (GagglRS2021-JAIR.pdf)
- What Is a Reasonable Argumentation Semantics? + (GagglRT15.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (Game Theory Exercises 6.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (Game Theory Exercises3b.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (Game Theory Exercises4.pdf)
- Backdoors for SAT + (Gario thesis.pdf)
- Problem Solving and Search in Artificial Intelligence + (Gekaobsc15a.pdf)