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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Towards Predictive Self-optimization by Situation Recognition + (GoScWiMeAs13.pdf)
- PDL with Intersection and Converse is 2EXP-complete + (GoeLohLut-FOSSACS-07.pdf)
- Automatic and Interactive Search in Flexible Dispute Derivations for Assumption-Based Argumentation + (Gorczyca MScThesis Signed.pdf)
- Don’t Repeat Yourself: Termination of the Skolem Chase on Disjunctive Existential Rules + (Grosser-beleg-lukas-gerlach.pdf)
- Don’t Repeat Yourself: Termination of the Skolem Chase on Disjunctive Existential Rules + (Grosser-beleg-lukas-gerlach.pdf)
- A robot control system integrating reactive control, reasoning, and execution monitoring + (Grossmann:03:wv02.pdf)
- Polynomial Reduction from PESP to SAT + (Grossmann:11:TU-Dresden.pdf)
- Non-commutativity and MELL in the Calculus of Structures + (Guglielmi:01:wv04.pdf)
- A System of Interaction and Structure + (Guglielmi:02:wv10.pdf)
- HUGS - A Lightweight Graph Partitioning Approach + (Gvdb-2016.pdf)
- Reasoning about Actions Meets Strategic Logics + (HLW-LORI-13.pdf)
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata + (HMS19-discovering-wikidata-tr.pdf)
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata + (HMS19-discovering-wikidata.pdf)
- Foundations of Implementations for Formal Argumentation + (HOFA 2017.pdf)
- Foundations of Implementations for Formal Argumentation + (HOFA 2017.pdf)
- The draculasp System: Default Reasoning about Actions and Change Using Logic and Answer Set Programming + (HS1010046763_2012_NMR12-14.pdf)
- A Benchmark Framework for a Computational Argumentation Competition + (HS1013794121_2014_COMMA14-7.pdf)
- RFuzzy Framework + (HS1076922052_2008_WLPE08.pdf)
- Abstract Dialectical Frameworks. An Overview + (HS1082079763_2017_hofa-adf-chapter.pdf)
- Approximating Operators and Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (HS1092234865_2013_report1.pdf)
- RFuzzy: An Expressive Simple Fuzzy Compiler + (HS1100278528_2009_IWANN1.pdf)
- On the Number of Bipolar Boolean Functions + (HS1112620917_2017_JLC-16-40.pdf)
- Expressiveness of Two-Valued Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (HS143815367_2015_JAIR4879.pdf)
- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory + (HS1514797822_2014_KR14-41.pdf)
- Default Reasoning about Actions + (HS1521292678_2012_phd.pdf)
- Implementing Default and Autoepistemic Logics via the Logic of GK + (HS1532868684_2014_NMR14-17.pdf)
- Characterizing Realizability in Abstract Argumentation + (HS1533033028_2016_NMR16-8.pdf)
- Instantiating rule-based defeasible theories in abstract dialectical frameworks and beyond + (HS1563719325_2014_JLC14.pdf)
- Operational Semantics for a Fuzzy Logic Programming System with Defaults and Constructive Answers + (HS157748798_2009_IFSA-EUSFLAT-1827.pdf)
- The DIAMOND System for Computing with Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (HS1584526801_2014_COMMA14-27.pdf)
- A Uniform Account of Realizability in Abstract Argumentation + (HS1615307772_2016_ECAI16-136.pdf)
- The Relative Expressiveness of Abstract Argumentation and Logic Programming + (HS1795090478_2015_AAAI15-11.pdf)
- State Defaults and Ramifications in the Unifying Action Calculus + (HS1814578131_2010_KR10-8.pdf)
- Approximating Operators and Semantics for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (HS1916411988_2013_AIJ2727.pdf)
- dARe -- Using Argumentation to Explain Conclusions from a Controlled Natural Language Knowledge Base + (HS1971137210_2017_IEAAIE17-92.pdf)
- Defaults in Action: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi + (HS2151454443_2009_CS09-20.pdf)
- Default Reasoning in Action Theories with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions + (HS2212713906_2010_LPAR17-short2.pdf)
- How to Plan When Being Deliberately Misled + (HS2336774636_2011_PAMR11-3.pdf)
- On the Relative Expressiveness of Argumentation Frameworks, Normal Logic Programs and Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (HS2383437324_2014_NMR14-4.pdf)
- EMIL: Extracting Meaning from Inconsistent Language: Towards argumentation using a controlled natural language interface + (HS2470856874_2019_2019-IJAR.pdf)
- Abstract Dialectical Frameworks. An Analysis of their Properties and Role in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning + (HS2473385450_2017_habil.pdf)
- Abstract Dialectical Frameworks Revisited + (HS2495396367_2013_IJCAI13-199.pdf)
- An Abstract Logical Approach to Characterizing Strong Equivalence in Logic-based Knowledge Representation Formalisms + (HS2546745332_2016_KR16-128.pdf)
- Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC 2013) + (HS2606936522_2013_NRAC13-proceedings.pdf)
- From Default and Autoepistemic Logics to Disjunctive Answer Set Programs via the Logic of GK + (HS274796349_2014_ECAI14-63.pdf)
- DIAMOND 3.0 -- A Native C++ Implementation of DIAMOND + (HS2755799760_2016_COMMA16-30.pdf)
- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory + (HS2815468974_2013_report2.pdf)
- Summary Report of The First International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation + (HS2908398465_2015_AIMag-ICCMA15.pdf)
- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory + (HS2917961940_2015_AIJ2846.pdf)
- Implementing Belief Change in the Situation Calculus and an Application + (HS3014741911_2013_LPNMR13-59.pdf)
- Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype + (HS3127634658_2017_IWCS17-26.pdf)