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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Second-Order Quantifier Elimination on Relational Monadic Formulas – A Basic Method and Some Less Expected Applications + (Hans de Nivelle)
- Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics + (Harald Ganzinger and David McAllester and Andrei Voronkov)
- Formal Concept Analysis Methods for Dynamic Conceptual Graphs + (Harry S. Delugach, Gerd Stumme)
- The Complexity of Computing the Behaviour of Weighted Büchi Automata over Lattices + (Heiko Vogler and Manfred Droste)
- Complexity of Axiom Pinpointing in the DL-Lite Family of Description Logics + (Helder Coelho and Rudi Studer and Michael Wooldridge)
- Verifying Properties of Infinite Sequences of Description Logic Actions + (Helder Coelho and Rudi Studer and Michael Wooldridge)
- PDL with Intersection and Converse is 2EXP-complete + (Helmut Seidl)
- A First Order System with Finite Choice of Premises + (Hendricks et al.)
- Querying formal contexts with answer set programs + (Henrik Schärfe, Pascal Hitzler, Peter Ohrstrom)
- Relational Exploration - Reconciling Plato and Aristotle + (Hitzler, Roth-Berghofer, Rudolph)
- Modal Logics with Composition on Finite Forests: Expressivity and Complexity + (Holger Hermanns, Lijun Zhang, Naoki Kobayashi, Dale Miller)
- SmartWeb: Mobile Access to the Semantic Web + (Holger Wache)
- Determinization and Limit-Determinization of Emerson-Lei Automata + (Hou, Zhe and Ganesh, Vijay)
- Probabilistic Causes in Markov Chains + (Hou, Zhe and Ganesh, Vijay)
- On Indicative Conditionals + (Hölldobler, S., Liang, Y)
- Implementation and evaluation of a tableau algorithm for the Guarded Fragment + (I. Horrocks and S. Tessaris)
- Unification in a Description Logic with Inconsistency and Transitive Closure of Roles + (I. Horrocks and S. Tessaris)
- A Generator for Description Logic Formulas + (I. Horrocks and U. Sattler and F. Wolter)
- Parallel Variable Elimination on CNF Formulas + (I. J. Timm and M. Thimm)
- On the Complexity of k-Piecewise Testability and the Depth of Automata + (I. Potapov)
- Computing First-Order Logic Programs by Fibring Artificial Neural Networks + (I. Russell and Z. Markov)
- Neue Entwicklungen in der Informatikausbildung + (I. Schmitt S. Conrad, G. Saake)
- A Short Overview on Modern Parallel SAT-Solvers + (I. Wasito
- Finite Model Theory of the Triguarded Fragment and Related Logics + (IEEE)
- Computing Role-depth Bounded Generalizations in the Description Logic ELOR + (Ingo J. Timm and Matthias Thimm)
- Semantik, Web, Metadaten und digitale Edition: Grundlagen und Ziele der Erschließung neuer Quellen des Branitzer Pückler-Archivs + (Irene Krebs and others)
- Semantic MediaWiki + (Isabel Cruz and Stefan Decker and Dean Allemang and Chris Preist and Daniel Schwabe and Peter Mika and Mike Uschold and Lora Aroyo)
- A Logical Geo-Ontology Design Pattern for Quantifying over Types + (Isabel F. Cruz, Craig A. Knoblock, Peer Kröger, Egemen Tanin, Peter Widmayer)
- SYANCO 2007: International Workshop on Synthesis and Analysis of Component Connectors + (Ivica Crnkovic and Antonia Bertolino)
- On Properties and State Complexity of Deterministic State-Partition Automata + (J. C. M. Baeten, T. Ball, F. S. de Boer)
- Using Connectionist Term Representations for First-Order-Deduction- A Critical View + (J. Diederich F. Maire, R. Hayward)
- A NExpTime-complete Description Logic Strictly Contained in C^2 + (J. Flum and M. Rodríguez-Artalejo)
- A Graph-Theoretic Generalization of the Least Common Subsumer and the Most Specific Concept in the Description Logic EL + (J. Hromkovic and M. Nagl)
- A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus + (J. Lloyd and V. Dahl and U. Furbach and M. Kerber and K.-K. Lau and C. Palamidessi and L. M. Pereira and Y. Sagiv and P. J. Stuckey)
- Operational Semantics for a Fuzzy Logic Programming System with Defaults and Constructive Answers + (J. P. Carvalho and D. Dubois and U. Kaymak and J. M. C. Sousa)
- DOM-ARCADE: Assistance services for construction, evaluation, and adaptation of design layouts + (J. S. Gero and F. Sudweeks)
- Recurrent Neural Networks to Approximate the Semantics of Acceptable Logic Programs + (J. Slaney G. Antoniou)
- Computing in Civil Engineering + (J. Vanegas and P. Chinowsky)
- Unification Theory + (J.A. Robinson and A. Voronkov)
- Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems + (J.H. van Schuppen and T. Villa)
- Coordination Control of Distributed Discrete-Event Systems + (J.H. van Schuppen and T. Villa)
- Pushing Doors for Modeling Contexts with OWL DL –a Case Study + (Jadwiga Indulska and Daniela Nicklas)
- Automatic Verification of Liveness Properties of Randomized Systems + (James E. Burns and Hagit Attiya)
- Certificates and Witnesses for Multi-objective Queries in Markov Decision Processes + (Jane Hillston and Sadegh Soudjani and Masaki Waga)
- Exploring Faulty Data + (Jaume Baixeries, Christian Sacarea, Manuel Ojeda-Aciego)
- A Description Logic Primer + (Jens Lehmann, Johanna Völker)
- Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Action and Change (NRAC 2013) + (Jianmin Ji and Hannes Strass and Xun Wang)
- Replacing SEP-Triplets in SNOMED CT using Tractable Description Logic Operators + (Jim Hunter Riccardo Bellazzi, Ameen Abu-Hanna)
- Towards Building Ontologies from Crowdsourced Data + (Joanna Bryson, Marina De Vos, Julian Padget)
- A Modularization-based Approach to Finding All Justifications for OWL DL Entailments + (John Domingue and Chutiporn Anutariya)
- Complexity of Language Equations With One-Sided Concatenation and All Boolean Operations + (Jordi Levy)