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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- A Core Method for the Weak Completion Semantics with Skeptical Abduction +
- A Spectrum of Approximate Probabilistic Bisimulations +
- A note on controllability of deterministic context-free systems +
- An FCA grounded study of user dynamics through log exploration +
- Backward Responsibility in Transition Systems Using General Power Indices +
- Big BiRD: A Large, Fine-Grained, Bigram Relatedness Dataset for Examining Semantic Composition +
- Body-Mind-Language: Multilingual Knowledge Extraction Based on Embodied Cognition +
- Certificates and Witnesses for Multi-objective Queries in Markov Decision Processes +
- Cognitive Argumentation for Human Syllogistic Reasoning +
- Completing the Picture: Complexity of Graded Modal Logics with Converse +
- Estrategias de combinación de recursos lexicográficos en la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras (en contextos específicos) +
- Exploring Non-Regular Extensions of Propositional Dynamic Logic with Description-Logics Features. +
- Foundations of probability-raising causality in Markov decision processes +
- From Logic Programming to Human Reasoning: How to be Artificially Human (abstract) +
- How to Tell Easy from Hard: Complexities of Conjunctive Query Entailment in Extensions of ALC +
- Identifying and Modelling Polysemous Senses of Spatial Prepositions in Referring Expressions +
- In Memory of Steffen Hölldobler: From Logic to Formal and Cognitive Reasoning +
- Introducing the Second International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation +
- Logics with Concrete Domains: First-Order Properties, Abstract Expressive Power, and (Un)Decidability +
- Making Sense of Conflicting (Defeasible) Rules in the Controlled Natural Language ACE: Design of a System with Support for Existential Quantification Using Skolemization +
- On Composing Finite Forests with Modal Logics +
- On Monotonic Determinacy and Rewritability for Recursive Queries and Views +
- On the Decomposition of ADFs and the Complexity of Naive-based Semantics +
- One-Variable Logic Meets Presburger Arithmetic +
- Practical Epistemic Entailment Checking in SROIQ +
- Practical Fixed-Domain Reasoning for Description Logics - Extended Abstract +
- Practical Uses of Existential Rules in Knowledge Representation +
- Practical Uses of Existential Rules in Knowledge Representation +
- Preface: Concept Lattices and Applications: Recent Advances and New Opportunities +
- Revisiting Semantics for Epistemic Extensions of Description Logics +
- Statistical EL is ExpTime-complete +
- Supervisory control synthesis of discrete-event systems using a coordination scheme +
- Syntactic vs Semantic Linear Abstraction and Refinement of Neural Networks +
- Terminologie und Multilinguales Semantic Web in Symbiose – TBX, RDF und OWL +
- The Bayesian Ontology Language BEL +
- The Power of the Terminating Chase +
- The Weak Completion Semantics and Counterexamples +
- Towards a Formal Account on Negative Latency +
- Weighted Abstract Dialectical Frameworks +
- Where do business students turn for help? An empirical study on dictionary use in foreign-language learning +
- Why Does Propositional Quantification Make Modal and Temporal Logics on Trees Robustly Hard? +
- Wikipedia and the Semantic Web, Part II +
- Wissen als Code: Die Welt der Wissensgraphen und Ontologien +