Veröffentlichungen in 1996
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Veröffentlichungen in 1996
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
Franz Baader
Using Automata Theory for Characterizing the Semantics of Terminological Cycles
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 18(2--4):175-219, 1996
Franz Baader, K. U. Schulz
Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures
J. Symbolic Computation, 21:211-243, 1996
Franz Baader, W. Nutt
Combination Problems for Commutative/Monoidal Theories: How Algebra Can Help in Equational Reasoning
J. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 7(4):309-337, 1996
Franz Baader, M. Buchheit, B. Hollunder
Cardinality Restrictions on Concepts
Artificial Intelligence, 88(1--2):195-213, 1996
Franz Baader
A Formal Definition for the Expressive Power of Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages
J. of Logic and Computation, 6(1):33-54, 1996
Christel Baier, Mila E. Majster-Cederbaum
Denotational Linear Time Semantics and Sequential Composition
Information Processing Letters, 59(3):135--143, 1996
Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Michael Thielscher
Explicit and Implicit Indeterminism
Journal of Logic Programming, Special Issue `Action and Change', 1996
Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Michael Thielscher
Representing Concurrent Action and Solving Conflicts
Journal of the IGPL, 3(4):355-368, 1996
Gerd Gros̈e, Steffen Hölldobler, Josef Schneeberger
Linear Deductive Planning
Journal of Logic and Computation, 6(2):233-262, 1996
Xiaorong Huang, Manfred Kerber, Michael Kohlhase, Erica Melis, Dan Nesmith, Jörn Richts, Jörg Siekmann
Die Beweisentwicklungsumgebung Omega-MKRP
Informatik – Forschung und Entwicklung, 11(1):20-26, 1996
Yvonne Kalinke, Hans-Peter Störr
Rekurrente Neuronale Netze zur Approximation der Semantik akzeptabler logischer Programme
Fortschritte in der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Dresden University Press (27), 1996
Mila E. Majster-Cederbaum, Christel Baier
Metric Completion versus Ideal Completion
Theoretical Computer Science, 170(1-2):145--171, 1996
Wolfgang Oertel, Uwe Petersohn
Hybride Wissensorganisation mittels Objektstrukturen
Fortschritte in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI 96), Dresden University Press (82), 1996
Antje Strohmaier
Parallele Lokale Suchverfahren
Fortschritte in der Künstlichen Intelligenz, Dresden University Press (31), 1996
Artikel in Tagungsbänden
Franz Baader, Ulrike Sattler
Number Restrictions on Complex Roles in Description Logics
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-96), 1996. Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos
Franz Baader, Ulrike Sattler
Description Logics with Symbolic Number Restrictions
In W. Wahlster, eds., Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96), 283-287, 1996. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Franz Baader, Ulrike Sattler
Knowledge Representation in Process Engineering
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Description Logics, 1996. AAAI Press/The MIT Press
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Franz Baader
Combination of Compatible Reduction Orderings that are Total on Ground Terms
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Unification, UNIF-96, CIS-Report 96-91, 97-106, 1996. CIS, Universität München
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Christel Baier, Mila E. Majster-Cederbaum
A Categorical Characterization of Consistency Results
5th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST), volume 1101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 473--486, 1996. Springer
Christel Baier, Marta Z. Kwiatkowska
On topological hierarchies of temporal properties
In Doron A. Peled and Vaughan R. Pratt and Gerard J. Holzmann, eds., Partial Order Methods in Verification, Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, volume 29 of DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 141--170, 1996. DIMACS/AMS
Christel Baier
Polynomial Time Algorithms for Testing Probabilistic Bisimulation and Simulation
8th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), volume 1102 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 50--61, 1996. Springer
S. Bakhtari, B. Bartsch-Spörl, W. Oertel
DOM-ARCADE: Assistance services for construction, evaluation, and adaptation of design layouts
In J. S. Gero and F. Sudweeks, eds., Artificial Intelligence in Design '96, 681-699, 1996. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
Sven-Erik Bornscheuer
Rational Models of Normal Logic Programs
In U. Gesdke N.E. Fuchs, eds., Proceedings of the Poster Session at JICSLP`96, GMD Studies, volume 296, 123-134, 1996
Sven-Erik Bornscheuer
Generating Rational Models
In M. Maher, eds., Proceedings of the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming (JICSLP), volume 547, 1996. MIT Press
Kerstin Eder, Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher
An Abstract Machine for Reasoning about Situations, Actions, and Causality
In P. Schroeder-Heister R. Dyckhoff, H. Herre, eds., Proceedings of the International Workshop on Extensions of Logic Programming, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 137-151, 1996. Springer
Christoph Herrmann, Steffen Hölldobler, Antje Strohmaier
Fuzzy Conceptual Knowledge Processing
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 1996
J. Hiltner, C. Tresp
Verbunddokumente: Objektmodelle und Implementierungen
15. Workshop Interdisziplinäre Methoden in der Informatik, 1996
Steffen Hölldobler
Equational Logic and Theories of Action
In M. Navarro P. Lucio, M. Martelli, eds., Proceedings of the APPIA-GULP-PRODE Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, 111-123, 1996
E. Meyer zu Bexten, C. Tresp, M. Jäger, M. Moser, J. Hiltner
Consistency Checking in Applications based on Fuzzy Rules
Second International Conference on Applications of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, June 1996
Wolfgang Oertel
Zur Integration von fall- und regelbasierten Verfahren im Entwicklungssystem FAENSY
In H. Burkhard and M. Lenz, eds., Fourth German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning: System Development and Evaluation, Informatik-Berichte, 128-135, 1996. Berlin, Humboldt-Universität
Wolfgang Oertel, Uwe Petersohn
Hybrid Knowledge Organization within an Object Framework
In F. Baader and H. Bürckert and A. Günter and W. Nutt, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Configuration (WRKP'96), 33-41, 1996
Ulrike Sattler
Knowledge Representation in Process Engineering
In F. Baader and H. J. Bürckert and A. Günter and W. Nutt, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Configuration (WRKP'96), {DFKI} Document {D}-96-04, 1996. Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
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Ulrike Sattler
A Concept Language Extended with Different Kinds of Transitive Roles
In G. Görz and S. Hölldobler, eds., 20. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1996. Springer
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K. Tochtermann, C. Tresp, J. Hiltner, A. Freund
HyperMed: A Hypermedia System for Anatomical Education
ED-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, August 1996
C. Tresp, A. Becks, R. Klinkenberg, J. Hiltner
Knowledge Representation in a World with Vague Concepts
Intelligent Systems: A semiotic perspective, September 1996
C. Tresp, M. Jäger, M. Moser, J. Hiltner, M. Fathi
A New Method for Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Knowledge
Int. IEEE Symposia on Intelligence and Systems, October 1996
Franz Baader, Klaus U. Schulz
Frontiers of Combining Systems
Proceedings of First International Workshop, Applied Logic Series 3. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996
Sven-Erik Bornscheuer
Rational Models of Normal Logic Programs
In Steffen Hölldobler Günther Görz, eds., , volume 1137 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, chapter KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 1-4. Springer, 1996
Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Torsten Seiler
KI-96: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
In Steffen Hölldobler Günther Görz, eds., , volume 1137, chapter Massively Parallel Reasoning about Actions, 5-18. Springer, 1996
Günther Götz, Steffen Hölldobler
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
In , volume 1137 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, chapter KI-96. Springer, 1996
Wolfgang Oertel
KI-96: Abvances in Artificial Intelligence
In G. Görz and S. Hölldobler, eds., , chapter Knowledge Organization Using the Development System FAENSY, 303-306. Springer, 1996
W. Oertel, S. Bakhtari
Computing in Civil Engineering
In J. Vanegas and P. Chinowsky, eds., , American Society of Civil Engineers, chapter Interaction of Generic Knowledge and Cases in DOM, 301-307. ???, {V}anegas, {J}. and {C}hinowsky, {P}. edition, 1996
Technische Berichte
Franz Baader, Ulrike Sattler
Description Logics with Symbolic Number Restrictions
Technical Report, LuFg Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-96-03, 1996
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Franz Baader, Ulrike Sattler
Number Restrictions on Complex Roles in Description Logics
Technical Report, LuFg Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-96-02, 1996
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Franz Baader, Cesare Tinelli
A New Approach for Combining Decision Procedures for the Word Problem, and Its Connection to the Nelson-Oppen Combination Method
Technical Report, LuFg Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-96-01, 1996. LTCS-Report
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Franz Baader
Combination of Compatible Reduction Orderings that are Total on Ground Terms
Technical Report, LuFg Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, Germany, volume LTCS-96-05, 1996. LTCS-Report
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Steffen Hölldobler, Josef Schneeberger
Constraint Equational Logic Programming and Resource-Based Partial Order Planning
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-96-08, 1996
Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher
Properties vs. Resources: Solving Simple Frame Problems
Technical Report, Intellektik, Informatik, TH Darmstadt, volume AIDA-96-03, 1996. Technischer Report
Yvonne Kalinke, Hans-Peter Störr
Approximation der Funktion Tp normaler logischer Programme P durch 3-schichtige vorwärtsgerichtete Netze
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-96-07, 1996
S. Kepser, J. Richts
Optimisation Techniques for Combining Constraint Solvers
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-96-04, 1996. LTCS-Report
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Katalin Prasser
Workshop Deduktion der 20. Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-96-09, 1996
Antje Strohmaier
Multi-Flip Networks: A Parallelization of Local SAT-Algorithms
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, 1996. E{CAI}-96 {W}orkshop on {A}cvances in {P}ropositional {D}eduction