Veröffentlichungen in 2001

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Veröffentlichungen in 2001

Artikel in Fachzeitschriften

Franz Baader, Ulrike Sattler
An Overview of Tableau Algorithms for Description Logics
Studia Logica, 69:5-40, 2001
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Franz Baader, P. Narendran
Unification of Concepts Terms in Description Logics
J. Symbolic Computation, 31(3):277-305, 2001
Pascal Hitzler, Anthony Karel Seda
Unique Supported-Model Classes of Logic Programs
Information, 4(3):295-302, 2001
Pascal Hitzler, Anthony Karel Seda
A "Converse" of the Banach Contraction Mapping Theorem
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 52(10/s):3-6, 2001
E.P. Stoschek, Monika Sturm, Thomas Hinze
DNA-Computing - ein funktionales Modell im laborpraktischen Experiment
Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, 16(1):35-52, 2001
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Monika Sturm, Thomas Hinze
Distributed Splicing of RE with 6 Test Tubes
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 4(1-2):211-234, 2001
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Stephan Tobies
PSPACE Reasoning for Graded Modal Logics
Journal of Logic and Computation, 11(1):85-106, 2001

Artikel in Tagungsbänden

Franz Baader, S. Brandt, R. Küsters
Matching under Side Conditions in Description Logics
In B. Nebel, eds., Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI'01, 213-218, 2001. Morgan Kaufmann
Franz Baader, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
TBoxes do not yield a compact representation of least common subsumers
Proceedings of the International Workshop in Description Logics 2001 (DL2001), August 2001
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Franz Baader, Stephan Tobies
The Inverse Method Implements the Automata Approach for Modal Satisfiability
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR'01, volume 2083 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 92-106, 2001. Springer
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Franz Baader, R. Küsters
Unification in a Description Logic with Transitive Closure of Roles
In R. Nieuwenhuis and A. Voronkov, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR 2001), volume 2250 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 217-232, 2001. Springer
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Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Yvonne McIntyre, Steffen Hölldobler, Hans-Peter Störr
User Adaptation in a Web Shop System
In M. H. Hamza, eds., Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, 208-213, 2001. ACTA Press
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S. Brandt, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Using Non-standard Inferences in Description Logics — what does it buy me?
Proceedings of the KI-2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics (KIDLWS'01), CEUR-WS, September 2001. RWTH Aachen
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Kai Brünnler, Alwen Fernanto Tiu
A Local System for Classical Logic
In R. Nieuwenhuis and A. Voronkov, eds., LPAR 2001, volume 2250 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 347-361, 2001. Springer
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Bertram Fronhöfer, Manfred Schramm
A Probability Theoretic Analysis of Score Systems
In Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Emil Weydert, eds., KI-2001 Workshop: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, volume 287-8/2001 of Informatik Berichte, 95-108, September 2001. Fernuniversität, Gesamthochschule in Hagen
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Bernhard Ganter, Sebastian Rudolph
Formal Concept Analysis Methods for Dynamic Conceptual Graphs
In Harry S. Delugach, Gerd Stumme, eds., Conceptual Structures: Broadening the Base, 9th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, volume 2120 of LNCS, 143-156, July 2001. Springer
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Alessio Guglielmi, Lutz Straßburger
Non-commutativity and MELL in the Calculus of Structures
In L. Fribourg, eds., Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic, CSL '01, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 54-68, 2001. Springer
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V. Haarslev, R. Möller, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Exploiting Pseudo Models for TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR'01, LNAI, 2001. Springer
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U. Hatnik, Thomas Hinze, Monika Sturm
A Probabilistic Approach to Description of Molecular Biological Processes on DNA and Their Object Oriented Simulation
In V.V. Kluev and N.E. Mastorakis, eds., Proceedings WSES International Conference on Simulation (SIM2001), Malta, 2001
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C. Hirsch, Stephan Tobies
A Tableau Algorithm for the Clique Guarded Fragment
In F. Wolter and H. Wansing and M. de Rijke and M. Zakharyaschev, eds., Advances in Modal Logics Volume 3, 2001. CSLI Publications
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Pascal Hitzler, Anthony K. Seda
VDM^ meets LCF. Domain-Theoretic and Topological Aspects of VDM^
Proceedings of the 5th Irish Workshop on Formal Methods, IWFM'01, Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC), 2001. British Computer Society
Pascal Hitzler, Anthony Karel Seda
Semantic Operators and Fixed-Point Theory in Logic Programming
In N. Callaos and others, eds., Proceedings of the joint IIIS and IEEE meeting of the 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2001) and the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS2001), Orlando, Florida, USA, July, 2001, volume VII, Computer Science and Engineering Part 1, 224-229, 2001. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics: IIIS
Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler
Ontology Reasoning in the SHOQ(D) Description Logic
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2001
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Carsten Lutz
NExpTime-complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains
In Rajeev Goré and Alexander Leitsch and Tobias Nipkow, eds., Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence, 45-60, 2001. Springer
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Carsten Lutz
Interval-based Temporal Reasoning with General TBoxes
In Bernhard Nebel, eds., Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-01, 89-94, 2001. Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers
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Carsten Lutz, Holger Sturm, Frank Wolter, M. Zakharyaschev
Tableaux for Temporal Description Logic with Constant Domain
In Rajeev Goré and Alexander Leitsch and Tobias Nipkow, eds., Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence, 121-136, 2001. Springer
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Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sattler, Frank Wolter
Description Logics and the Two-Variable Fragment
In D.L. McGuiness and P.F. Pater-Schneider and C. Goble and R. Möller, eds., Proceedings of the 2001 International Workshop in Description Logics (DL-2001), 66-75, 2001
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Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sattler, Frank Wolter
Modal Logics and the two-variable fragment
Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic CSL'01, LNCS, 2001. Springer
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Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sattler
The Complexity of Reasoning with Boolean Modal Logics
In Frank Wolter and Heinrich Wansing and Maarten de Rijke and Michael Zakharyaschev, eds., Advances in Modal Logics Volume 3, 2001. CSLI Publications, Stanford
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Ulrike Sattler, M. Y. Vardi
The Hybrid mu-Calculus
In R. Goré and A. Leitsch and T. Nipkow, eds., Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, volume 2083 of LNAI, 76-91, 2001. Springer
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Manfred Schramm, Bertram Fronhöfer
On Efficient Decision Preserving Translations of Score Systems into Probabilistic Systems.
In Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Emil Weydert, eds., KI-2001 Workshop: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, volume 287-8/2001 of Informatik Berichte, 79-93, September 2001. Fernuniversität, Gesamthochschule in Hagen
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Manfred Schramm, Bertram Fronhöfer
PIT: A System for Reasoning with Probabilities.
In Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Emil Weydert, eds., KI-2001 Workshop: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, volume 287-8/2001 of Informatik Berichte, 109-123, September 2001. Fernuniversität, Gesamthochschule in Hagen
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Anni-Yasmin Turhan, R. Molitor
Using lazy unfolding for the computation of least common subsumers
Proceedings of the International Workshop in Description Logics 2001 (DL2001), August 2001
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Franz Baader, G. Brewka, Th. Eiter
KI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Joint German/Austrian Conference on AI (KI 2001)
Volume 2174 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, 2001
H. Fiedler, W. Grass, O. Günther, S. Hölldobler, G. Hotz, R. Reischuk, B. Seeger, D. Wagner
Ausgezeichnete Informatikdisserationen 2000
Volume D-1 of Lecture Notes in Informatics. German Informatics Society, 2001
Steffen Hölldobler
Logik und Logikprogrammierung
Synchron Publishers GmbH, second, extended edition, December 2001
Steffen Hölldobler
Logik und Logikprogrammierung
Synchron Publishers GmbH, January 2001


Franz Baader, K. Schulz
Combining Constraint Solving
In H. Comon and C. Marché and R. Treinen, eds., Constraints in Computational Logics, volume 2002 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2001
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Franz Baader, W. Snyder
Unification Theory
In J.A. Robinson and A. Voronkov, eds., Handbook of Automated Reasoning, volume I, 447-533. Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001
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Pascal Hitzler
Kontraktionssätze auf verallgemeinerten metrischen Räumen
In Anatolij Dvurecenskij and Gudrun Kalmbach, eds., Begabtenförderung im MINT-Bereich, volume 6, chapter 5, 79-88. Aegis-Verlag, 2001
Pascal Hitzler, Finbarr Holland, Gudrun Kalmbach
BCU Mathematics Contest 2001 — Problems and Solutions
In Anatolij Dvurecenskij and Gudrun Kalmbach, eds., Begabtenförderung im MINT-Bereich, volume 6, chapter 1, 3-16. Aegis-Verlag, 2001

Technische Berichte

Franz Baader, Stephan Tobies
The Inverse Method Implements the Automata Approach for Modal Satisfiability
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume 01-03, 2001. LTCS-Report
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Franz Baader, R. Küsters
Unification in a Description Logic with Transitive Closure of Roles
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume 01-05, 2001. LTCS-Report
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Franz Baader, S. Brandt, R. Küsters
Matching under Side Conditions in Description Logics
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume 01-02, 2001. LTCS-Report
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S. Brandt, R. Küsters, Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Approximation and Difference in Description Logics
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume 01-06, 2001. LTCS-Report
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P. Buchholz, M. Droste, B. Ganter, S. Hölldobler, K. Meyer-Wegener, R. Pöschel, H. Reichel, M. Thielscher, H. Vogler
Different Approaches to the Semantics of Workflow
Technical Report, Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, volume TUD-FI01-04, 2001
Alessio Guglielmi
A Calculus of Order and Interaction
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-01-01, 2001
Pascal Hitzler, Anthony Karel Seda
Continuity of Semantic Operators in Logic Programming and Their Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-01-07, 2001
Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler
Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-01-08, 2001. LTCS-Report
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Carsten Lutz, Ulrike Sattler, Frank Wolter
Modal Logic and the two-variable fragment
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-01-04, 2001. LTCS-Report
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Carsten Lutz
Adding Numbers to the SHIQ Description Logic—First Results
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-01-07, 2001. LTCS-Report
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Carsten Lutz, Holger Sturm, Frank Wolter, M. Zakharyaschev
A Tableau Calculus for Temporal Description Logic: The Constant Domain Case
Technical Report, LuFG Theoretical Computer Science, RWTH Aachen, volume LTCS-01-01, 2001. LTCS-Report
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Lutz Straßburger
MELL in the Calculus of Structures
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-01-03, 2001
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Alwen Fernanto Tiu
Combining A1- and AC1-Unification Sharing Unit
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-01-09, 2001
Alwen Fernanto Tiu
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-01-08, 2001
Alwen Fernanto Tiu
Properties of a Logical System in the Calculus of Structures
Technical Report, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, volume WV-01-06, 2001