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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- ICCL-Forscher erhalten Auszeichnung auf weltgrößter Konferenz für Künstliche Intelligenz + (ICCL-Forscher erhalten Auszeichnung auf weltgrößter Konferenz für Künstliche Intelligenz)
- ICCL-Forscher erhalten Best Paper Award auf internationaler Top-Konferenz für symbolische KI + (ICCL-Forscher erhalten Best Paper Award auf internationaler Top-Konferenz für symbolische KI)
- ICCL-Forscher punkten mit sechs Beiträgen auf der AAAI 2022 + (ICCL-Forscher punkten mit sechs Beiträgen auf der AAAI 2022)
- ICCL-Forscher tragen zu Top-Konferenzen bei + (ICCL-Forscher tragen zu Top-Konferenzen bei)
- ICCL-Forscher:innen nehmen an Rewe Team Challenge 2024 teil + (ICCL-Forscher:innen nehmen an Rewe Team Challenge 2024 teil)
- ICCL-SS-2015 + (ICCL-SS-2015)
- ICCL-SS-2015 + (ICCL-SS-2015)
- ILP Operators for Propositional Connectionist Networks + (ILP Operators for Propositional Connectionist Networks)
- Identifying Noise Variables in Singular Decisions using Counterfactual Reasoning + (Identifying Noise Variables in Singular Decisions using Counterfactual Reasoning)
- Identifying and Modelling Polysemous Senses of Spatial Prepositions in Referring Expressions + (Identifying and Modelling Polysemous Senses of Spatial Prepositions in Referring Expressions)
- Ilja Shmelkin + (Ilja Shmelkin)
- Ilja Shmelkin + (Ilja Shmelkin)
- Ilkka Niemelä + (Ilkka Niemelä)
- Ilkka Niemelä + (Ilkka Niemelä)
- Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency Primitives: A Comparison + (Image Schemas and Conceptual Dependency Primitives: A Comparison)
- Image schemas in computational concept invention + (Image schemas in computational concept invention)
- Image schemas in computational concept invention + (Image schemas in computational concept invention)
- Implementation and Optimisation of a Tableau Algorithm for the Guarded Fragment + (Implementation and Optimisation of a Tableau Algorithm for the Guarded Fragment)
- Implementation and evaluation of a tableau algorithm for the Guarded Fragment + (Implementation and evaluation of a tableau algorithm for the Guarded Fragment)
- Implementierung des Dekompositionsschemas für Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Implementierung des Dekompositionsschemas für Abstract Dialectical Frameworks)
- Implementierung eines labelingbasierten Algorithmus für die cf2 Argumentation Semantik + (Implementierung eines labelingbasierten Algorithmus für die cf2 Argumentation Semantik)
- Implementing Belief Change in the Situation Calculus and an Application + (Implementing Belief Change in the Situation Calculus and an Application)
- Implementing Deep Inference in TOM + (Implementing Deep Inference in TOM)
- Implementing Default and Autoepistemic Logics via the Logic of GK + (Implementing Default and Autoepistemic Logics via the Logic of GK)
- Implementing Instantiation of Knowledge Bases in Argumentation Frameworks + (Implementing Instantiation of Knowledge Bases in Argumentation Frameworks)
- Implementing Matching in ALN + (Implementing Matching in ALN)
- Implementing Matching in ALE—First Results + (Implementing Matching in ALE—First Results)
- Implementing System BV of the Calculus of Structures in Maude + (Implementing System BV of the Calculus of Structures in Maude)
- Implementing a Labeling-based Algorithm for the cf2 Argumentation Semantics + (Implementing a Labeling-based Algorithm for the cf2 Argumentation Semantics)
- Implementing completion-based inferences for the el-family + (Implementing completion-based inferences for the el-family)
- Implementing the Decomposition Schema for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (Implementing the Decomposition Schema for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks)
- Implementing the n-ary Description Logic GF1- + (Implementing the n-ary Description Logic GF1-)
- Imprecise Probabilities in Decision-making + (Imprecise Probabilities in Decision-making)
- Imprecise Probabilities in Decision-making + (Imprecise Probabilities in Decision-making)
- Impressum + (Impressum)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation)
- Improving Resource-Unaware SAT Solvers + (Improving Resource-Unaware SAT Solvers)
- Improving SAT Solvers Using State-of-the-Art Techniques + (Improving SAT Solvers Using State-of-the-Art Techniques)
- Improving SAT Solvers Using State-of-the-Art Techniques + (Improving SAT Solvers Using State-of-the-Art Techniques)
- In Memory of Steffen Hölldobler: From Logic to Formal and Cognitive Reasoning + (In Memory of Steffen Hölldobler: From Logic to Formal and Cognitive Reasoning)
- In the Hand of the Beholder: Comparing Interactive Proof Visualizations + (In the Hand of the Beholder: Comparing Interactive Proof Visualizations)
- In the Hand of the Beholder: Comparing Interactive Proof Visualizations + (In the Hand of the Beholder: Comparing Interactive Proof Visualizations)
- Inaugural Lecture: Knowledge-aware Artificial Intelligence or How to Rock Your CS@TUD Studies with chatGPT + (Inaugural Lecture: Knowledge-aware Artificial Intelligence or How to Rock Your CS@TUD Studies with chatGPT)
- Inconsistency Handling in Ontology-Mediated Query Answering + (Inconsistency Handling in Ontology-Mediated Query Answering)
- Inconsistency Handling in Ontology-Mediated Query Answering + (Inconsistency Handling in Ontology-Mediated Query Answering)
- Inconsistency Measurement based on Variables in Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets + (Inconsistency Measurement based on Variables in Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets)