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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Publications in 2012 + (Publications in 2012)
- Publications in 2013 + (Publications in 2013)
- Publications in 2014 + (Publications in 2014)
- Publications in 2015 + (Publications in 2015)
- Publications in 2016 + (Publications in 2016)
- Publications in 2017 + (Publications in 2017)
- Publications in 2018 + (Publications in 2018)
- Publications in 2019 + (Publications in 2019)
- Publications in 2020 + (Publications in 2020)
- Publications in 2021 + (Publications in 2021)
- Publications in 2022 + (Publications in 2022)
- Publications in 2023 + (Publications in 2023)
- Publications in 2024 + (Publications in 2024)
- Publications in 2025 + (Publications in 2025)
- Publications of Aaron Stephan + (Publications of Aaron Stephan)
- Publications of Achim Jung + (Publications of Achim Jung)
- Publications of Adrian Bielefeldt + (Publications of Adrian Bielefeldt)
- Publications of Adrian Nuradiansyah + (Publications of Adrian Nuradiansyah)
- Publications of Akshay Agrawal + (Publications of Akshay Agrawal)
- Publications of Alessio Guglielmi + (Publications of Alessio Guglielmi)
- Publications of Alessio Lomuscio + (Publications of Alessio Lomuscio)
- Publications of Alexander Krause + (Publications of Alexander Krause)
- Publications of Alexander Schulz + (Publications of Alexander Schulz)
- Publications of Ali Elhalawati + (Publications of Ali Elhalawati)
- Publications of Ana Ozaki + (Publications of Ana Ozaki)
- Publications of Andras Pluhar + (Publications of Andras Pluhar)
- Publications of Andreas Ecke + (Publications of Andreas Ecke)
- Publications of Andrei Voronkov + (Publications of Andrei Voronkov)
- Publications of Anni-Yasmin Turhan + (Publications of Anni-Yasmin Turhan)
- Publications of Antonis Kakas + (Publications of Antonis Kakas)
- Publications of Apratim Bhattacharyya + (Publications of Apratim Bhattacharyya)
- Publications of Ari Saptawijaya + (Publications of Ari Saptawijaya)
- Publications of Ario Santoso + (Publications of Ario Santoso)
- Publications of Axel Großmann + (Publications of Axel Großmann)
- Publications of Barbara Morawska + (Publications of Barbara Morawska)
- Publications of Bartosz Bednarczyk + (Publications of Bartosz Bednarczyk)
- Publications of Barış Sertkaya + (Publications of Barış Sertkaya)
- Publications of Benjamin Zarrieß + (Publications of Benjamin Zarrieß)
- Publications of Benno Fünfstück + (Publications of Benno Fünfstück)
- Publications of Bertram Fronhöfer + (Publications of Bertram Fronhöfer)
- Publications of Boontawee (Meng) Suntisrivaraporn + (Publications of Boontawee (Meng) Suntisrivaraporn)
- Publications of Calvin Chau + (Publications of Calvin Chau)
- Publications of Camille Bourgaux + (Publications of Camille Bourgaux)
- Publications of Carsten Lutz + (Publications of Carsten Lutz)
- Publications of Catalin Buiu + (Publications of Catalin Buiu)
- Publications of Christel Baier + (Publications of Christel Baier)
- Publications of Christian Al-Rabbaa + (Publications of Christian Al-Rabbaa)
- Publications of Christian Lewe + (Publications of Christian Lewe)
- Publications of Christoph Weidenbach + (Publications of Christoph Weidenbach)
- Publications of Christoph Wernhard + (Publications of Christoph Wernhard)
- Publications of Chunping Li + (Publications of Chunping Li)