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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ + (HorrocksSattler-ECAI2002.pdf)
- Ontology Reasoning in the SHOQ(D) Description Logic + (
- Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms + (HorrocksSattler-IJCAI03.pdf)
- Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ + (
- Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms + (
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles and Role Hierarchies + (
- Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics + (
- A PSpace-algorithm for deciding ALCNI_R^+-satisfiability + (
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles, Role Hierarchies and Qualifying Number Restrictions + (
- Practical Reasoning for Description Logics with Functional Restrictions, Inverse and Transitive Roles, and Role Hierarchies + (
- Optimisation of Terminological Reasoning + (
- Reasoning with Axioms: Theory and Practice + (
- Optimisation of Terminological Reasoning + (
- From Horn-SRIQ to Datalog: A Data-Independent Transformation that Preserves Assertion Entailment + (Hrsiq-datalog-extended-abstract.pdf)
- Introduction to Automatic Structures + (IAS2016-exercise01.pdf)
- Introduction to Automatic Structures + (IAS2016-exercise02.pdf)
- Introduction to Automatic Structures + (IAS2016-exercise03.pdf)
- Introduction to Automatic Structures + (IAS2016-exercise04.pdf)
- Introduction to Automatic Structures + (IAS2016-exercise05.pdf)
- Morphisms in Context + (ICCS05 context-morphisms long.pdf)
- Web-Mining Defeasible Knowledge from Concessional Statements + (ICCS2016-Petrova-Rudolph.pdf)
- Generalizing multi-context systems for reactive stream reasoning applications + (ICCSW-6.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T08.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T08.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T08.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T08.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T08.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T08.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T09.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T09.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T09.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T09.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T09.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T09.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T10.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T10.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T10.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T10.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T10.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (ICFCA-2017-T10.pdf)
- Towards a General Argumentation System based on Answer-Set Programming + (ICLP-DC2010 Gaggl.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T01.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T01.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T01.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T01.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T01.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T01.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T02.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T02.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T02.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T02.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T02.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T02.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T03.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T03.pdf)
- Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis + (IFCA-2017-T03.pdf)