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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A Compact Encoding of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into SAT +
- A Computational Logic Approach to Human Reasoning +
- A Fuzzy Description Logic with Hedges as Concept Modifiers +
- A Logic-Based Approach to Dynamic Programming +
- A New Computational Model for Human Reasoning +
- A New Computational Model for Human Reasoning +
- A Normalization Algorithm for Automated First-Order Value Iteration +
- A Recursive Neural Network for Reflexive Reasoning +
- A Short Overview on Modern Parallel SAT-Solvers +
- A Simple Model for the Wason Selection Task +
- Abduction in Human Reasoning +
- Actions and Specificity +
- Advanced Petri Nets and the Fluent Calculus (INFOCOM-6) +
- An Abductive Model for Human Reasoning +
- An Abductive Model for Human Reasoning +
- An Abductive Model for Human Reasoning (Poster Paper) +
- An Adequate Connectionist System for Reflexive Reasoning +
- An Efficient Encoding of the At-Most-One Constraint +
- An Efficient Encoding of the at-most-one Constraint +
- Answer Set Programming and Clasp (INFOCOM-6) +
- Approximating the Semantics of Logic Programs by Recurrent Neural Networks +
- BDD-based Reasoning in the Fluent Calculus – First Results (Extended Abstract) +
- Challenge Problems for the Integration of Logic and Connectionist Systems +
- Challenge Problems for the Integration of Logic and Connectionist Systems (Extended Abstract) +
- Cognitive Science, Computational Logic and Connectionism +
- Complex Plans in the Fluent Calculus +
- Computational Logic and Human Reasoning +
- Computational Logic and Human Reasoning Episodes +
- Computing Change and Specificity with Equational Logic Programs +
- Connectionist Model Generation +
- Constraint Equational Logic Programming and Resource-Based Partial Order Planning +
- Contraction Properties of a Semantic Operator for Human Reasoning +
- Descriptions in the Fluent Calculus +
- Designing a Counter: Another case study of Dynamics and Activation Landscapes in Recurrent Networks +
- EU-Drittlandprogramme 2007-2013 +
- Equational Logic and Theories of Action +
- FLUCAP: A Heuristic Search Planner for First-Order MDPs +
- Foundations of Equational Logic Programming (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 353) +
- From Human Reasoning Episodes to Connectionist Models (Dagstuhl Seminar) +
- From the Calculus of Structures to Term Rewriting Systems +
- Generic CDCL – A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers +
- Generic CDCL – A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers +
- Human Reasoning and Computational Logic +
- Human Reasoning and Computational Logic +
- Hybrid Neural Systems +
- Improving Resource-Unaware SAT Solvers +
- Intellectics and Computational Logic +
- Intellectics and Computational Logic +
- Intellectics and Computational Logic: Papers in Honor of Wolfgang Bibel +
- KI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 38th Annual German Conference on AI +