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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Classification of the finite polymorphism-homogeneous tournaments with loops + (23. August 2018, 13:00:00)
- Weighted Model Counting on the GPU by Exploiting Small Treewidth + (30. August 2018, 13:00:00)
- Faceted Answer-Set Navigation + (6. September 2018, 13:00:00)
- Complexity of Projection with Stochastic Actions in a Probabilistic Description Logic + (20. September 2018, 13:00:00)
- Extending Matching in Description Logics + (27. September 2018, 13:00:00)
- Report on research visit to NRC + (4. Oktober 2018, 13:00:00)
- Efficient Model Construction for Horn Logic with VLog: Extended Abstract + (11. Oktober 2018, 13:00:00)
- Gruppe Wissensbasierte Systeme erhält Best Paper Award der International Semantic Web Conference + (14. Oktober 2018)
- The Combined Approach to Query Answering in Horn-ALCHOIQ + (18. Oktober 2018, 13:00:00)
- Making Repairs in Description Logics More Gentle + (18. Oktober 2018, 13:30:00)
- Ontological Modelling in Wikidata + (25. Oktober 2018, 13:00:00)
- Temporal constraint satisfaction problems in least fixed point logic + (1. November 2018, 13:00:00)
- From Horn-SRIQ to Datalog: A Data-Independent Transformation that Preserves Assertion Entailment + (8. November 2018, 13:00:00)
- Standard and Non-Standard Inferences in the Description Logic FL0 Using Tree Automata + (15. November 2018, 13:00:00)
- Extending Datalog with Sets Using an Encoding in Existential Rules + (26. November 2018, 13:00:00)
- Big Data Variety: On-Demand Data Integration + (26. November 2018, 14:50:00)
- Satisfiability in the Triguarded Fragment of First-Order Logic + (29. November 2018, 13:00:00)
- Embodied Terminology: Language, Knowledge, and Cognition + (6. Dezember 2018, 13:00:00)
- Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL Instance Stores + (10. Januar 2019, 13:00:00)
- Bewerbungen für das Programm "International MSc Program in Computational Logic" bis 31.05. / 15.07.2019 + (15. Januar 2019)
- Ontology-Based Query Answering for Probabilistic Temporal Data + (17. Januar 2019, 13:00:00)
- Learning Ontologies with Epistemic Reasoning: The EL Case + (23. Januar 2019, 09:30:00)
- Knowledge Graph Embedding + (7. Februar 2019, 13:00:00)
- Temporal Logics with Probabilistic Distributions + (28. März 2019, 13:00:00)
- Third Workshop on Human Reasoning and Computational Logic + (4. April 2019, 09:00:00)
- Making sense of conflicting defeasible rules in the controlled natural language ACE: design of a system with support for existential quantification using skolemization + (4. April 2019, 13:00:00)
- Beyond NP Revolution + (9. April 2019, 13:30:00)
- The Power of the Terminating Chase + (11. April 2019, 13:00:00)
- Closed-World Semantics for Conjunctive Queries with Negation over ELH_bottom Ontologies + (18. April 2019, 13:00:00)
- Data Science Use Cases for Lifestyle Banking + (25. April 2019, 13:00:00)
- Quine's Fluted Fragment + (9. Mai 2019, 13:00:00)
- Explorations into Belief State Compression + (28. Mai 2019, 13:30:00)
- Projection in a Description Logic of Context with Actions + (6. Juni 2019, 13:00:00)
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata + (13. Juni 2019, 13:00:00)
- Chasing Sets: How to Use Existential Rules for Expressive Reasoning + (13. Juni 2019, 13:30:00)
- Introduction to p-adic numbers and analysis + (10. Juli 2019, 13:30:00)
- Epistemic Answer Set Programming + (11. Juli 2019, 13:00:00)
- Automatic Extraction of Compositional Matrix-Space Models of Language + (15. Juli 2019, 11:00:00)
- Reasoning about disclosure in data integration in the presence of source constraints + (18. Juli 2019, 13:00:00)
- Extending EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms + (23. Juli 2019, 13:30:00)
- Worst-Case Optimal Querying of Very Expressive Description Logics with Path Expressions and Succinct Counting + (30. Juli 2019, 13:00:00)
- Chasing Sets: How to Use Existential Rules for Expressive Reasoning + (1. August 2019, 13:00:00)
- On the Expressive Power of Description Logics with Cardinality Constraints on Finite and Infinite Sets + (29. August 2019, 13:00:00)
- Neuer Mitarbeiter: M.Sc. Ali Elhalawati + (1. September 2019)
- Markus Krötzsch gab einen Kurs bei der EDBT Summer School + (3. September 2019)
- Mixing Description Logics in Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing + (5. September 2019, 13:00:00)
- A gentle introduction to partition width + (12. September 2019, 13:00:00)
- Automatic translation of clinical trial eligibility criteria into formal queries + (16. September 2019, 13:00:00)
- Young Scientist's Third International Workshop on Trends in Information Processing (YSIP3) + (17. September 2019, 00:00:00)
- A.M.B.R.O.S.I.A. - Conferring Immortality on Distributed Applications + (20. September 2019, 13:00:00)
- Vice World Champion in the AI Birds Challenge! + (21. September 2019)