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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Categorisation, Typicality & Object-Specific Features in Spatial Referring Expressions + (2020.splu-1.5.pdf)
- An Abstract, Logical Approach to Characterizing Strong Equivalence in Non-monotonic Knowledge Representation Formalisms + (2022-AIJ Strong-Equivalence.pdf)
- On Composing Finite Forests with Modal Logics + (2023-tocl.pdf)
- Representative Answer Sets: Collecting Something of Everything + (2023BGR.pdf)
- EvonNemo - A Symbiosis of Datalog Tracing and Proof Tree Visualization + (2024-XLoKR-Submission-5-camera-ready.pdf)
- Russian Learner Corpus: Towards Error-Cause Annotation for L2 Russian + (2024.lrec-main.1241.pdf)
- A rule-based ontological framework for the classification of molecules + (2041-1480-5-17.pdf)
- Rushing and Strolling among Answer Sets - Navigation Made Easy + (20506-Article Text-24519-1-2-20220628 (1).pdf)
- Rushing and Strolling among Answer Sets - Navigation Made Easy + (2112.07596.pdf)
- Standpoint Linear Temporal Logic + (2304.14243.pdf)
- Pushing the Boundaries of Tractable Multiperspective Reasoning: A Deduction Calculus for Standpoint EL+ + (2304.14323.pdf)
- Exploring Non-Regular Extensions of Propositional Dynamic Logic with Description-Logics Features. + (2307.09913.pdf)
- IASCAR: Incremental Answer Set Counting by Anytime Refinement + (2311.07233.pdf)
- Abstract Dialectical Frameworks: Properties, Complexity, and Implementation + (25854.pdf)
- The Price of Selfishness: Conjunctive Query Entailment for ALCSelf is 2EXPTIME-hard + (510.BednarczykB.pdf)
- IASCAR: Incremental Answer Set Counting by Anytime Refinement + (978-3-031-15707-3 17.pdf)
- A Decidable Multi-agent Logic for Reasoning About Actions, Instruments, and Norms + (A Decidable Multi-Agent Logic for Reasoning about Actions, Instruments, and Norms (PrePrint).pdf)
- A Framework for Intuitionistic Grammar Logics + (A Framework for Intuitionistic Grammar Logics - Lyon.pdf)
- A Neutral Temporal Deontic STIT Logic + (A Neutral Temporal Deontic STIT Logic (PrePrint).pdf)
- A Note on Limited Pushdown Alphabets in Stateless Deterministic Pushdown Automata + (A Note on Limited Pushdown Alphabets in Stateless Deterministic Pushdown Automata.pdf)
- A Note on Relative Observability in Coordination Control + (A Note on Relative Observability in Coordination Control.pdf)
- A Note on Undecidability of Observation Consistency for Non-Regular Languages + (A Note on Undecidability of Observation Consistency for Non-Regular Language.pdf)
- A Note on the Cooperation in Rewriting Systems with Context-Dependency Checking + (A Note on the Cooperation in Rewriting Systems with Context-Dependency Checking.pdf)
- A Note on the Generative Power of Some Simple Variants of Context-Free Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions + (A Note on the Generative Power of Some Simple Variants of Context-Free Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions.pdf)
- A bridge between decentralized and coordination control + (A bridge between decentralized and coordination control.pdf)
- A note on controllability of deterministic context-free systems + (A note on controllability of deterministic context-free systems.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2014-Slides sem1.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2014-Slides sem2.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2014-Slides sem3.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2015 L1.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2015 L2.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2016-L1.pdf)
- Seminar Abstract Argumentation + (AA2016-L2.pdf)
- Revisiting Semantics for Epistemic Extensions of Description Logics + (AAAI11-revisting semantics.pdf)
- Weighted Abstract Dialectical Frameworks + (AAAI18-205.pdf)
- General Acyclicity and Cyclicity Notions for the Disjunctive Skolem Chase (Extended Technical Report) + (AAAI2023-Gerlach-Carral.pdf)
- To Lead or to be Led: A Generalized Condorcet Jury Theorem under Dependence + (AAMAS24 OL1.pdf)
- A Rule-Based Language for Complex Event Processing and Reasoning + (AFRSSS-RR2010-ETALIS.pdf)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (AFT Problems2.pdf)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (AFT Problems2.pdf)
- Compositional matrix-space models of language: Definitions, properties, and learning methods + (AGR-2021-MatrixSpace.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT 09 Problems b.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT 24 Ex07.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT P1.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT P2b.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT Problems 10.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT Problems5.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT Problems7c.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT Problems8.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT SS24 Ex04.pdf)
- Algorithmic Game Theory + (AGT SS24 Ex05.pdf)