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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- All-Instances Oblivious Chase Termination is Undecidable for Single-Head Binary TGDs + (Christian Bessiere)
- SAT Encoding of Unification in EL + (Christian G. Fermüller and Andrei Voronkov)
- Using Causal Relationships to Deal with the Ramification Problem in Action Formalisms Based on Description Logics + (Christian G. Fermüller and Andrei Voronkov)
- Completing Description Logic Knowledge Bases using Formal Concept Analysis + (Christine Golbreich and Aditya Kalyanpur and Bijan Parsia)
- Human Syllogistic Reasoning: Towards Predicting Individuals' Reasoning Behavior based on Cognitive Principles + (Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm)
- Probabilistic Query Answering in the Bayesian Description Logic BEL + (Christoph Beierle, Alex Dekhtyar)
- A Katsuno-Mendelzon-Style Characterization of AGM Belief Base Revision for Arbitrary Monotonic Logics (Preliminary Report) + (Christoph Beierle, Marco Ragni, Frieder Stolzenburg, Matthias Thimm)
- The Weak Completion Semantics and Counter Examples + (Christoph Beierle, Marco Ragni, Frieder Stolzenburg, Matthias Thimm)
- Justifications for the Description Logics Knowledge Bases under the Fixed-Domain Semantics + (Christoph Benzmüller, Francesco Ricca, Xavier Parent, Dumitru Roman)
- Faceted Answer-Set Navigation + (Christoph Benzmüller, Francesco Ricca, Xavier Parent, Dumitru Roman)
- Die Zukunft der Wikis: Semantic Web + (Christoph Lange)
- Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype + (Claire Gardent and Christian Retoré)
- The Boolean Solution Problem from the Perspective of Predicate Logic + (Clare Dixon, Marcelo Finger)
- Metric Temporal Description Logics with Interval-Rigid Names + (Clare Dixon, Marcelo Finger)
- Attributed Description Logics: Ontologies for Knowledge Graphs + (Claudia d'Amato, Miriam Fernández, Valentina A. M. Tamma, Freddy Lécué, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Juan F. Sequeda, Christoph Lange, Jeff Heflin)
- Tractable Query Answering for Expressive Ontologies and Existential Rules + (Claudia d'Amato, Miriam Fernández, Valentina A. M. Tamma, Freddy Lécué, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Juan F. Sequeda, Christoph Lange, Jeff Heflin)
- Attribute Exploration with Proper Premises and Incomplete Knowledge Applied to the Free Radical Theory of Ageing + (Cynthia Vera Glodeanu, Mehdi Kaytoue, Christian Sacarea)
- On the Succinctness of Closure Operator Representations + (Cynthia Vera Glodeanu, Mehdi Kaytoue, Christian Sacarea)
- Sonic—Non-standard Inferences go OilEd + (D. Basin and M. Rusinowitch)
- A New Combination Procedure for the Word Problem that Generalizes Fusion Decidability Results in Modal Logics + (D. Basin and M. Rusinowitch)
- Blocking Automata for PSPACE DLs + (D. Calvanese and E. Franconi and S. Tessaris)
- Speeding up Approximation with Nicer Concepts + (D. Calvanese and E. Franconi and V. Haarslev and D. Lembo and B. Motik and S. Tessaris and A.-Y. Turhan)
- Conjunctive Queries for EL with Role Composition + (D. Calvanese, E. Franconi, V. Haarslev, D. Lembo, B. Motik, A.-Y. Turhan and S. Tessaris)
- Approximation and Difference in Description Logics + (D. Fensel and F. Giunchiglia and D. McGuiness and M.-A. Williams)
- Description Logics as Ontology Languages for the Semantic Web + (D. Hutter and W. Stephan)
- Fallverwaltung in heterogenen Fallwissensbasen + (D. Janetzko and T. Schult)
- Satisfiability of ECTL* with tree constraints + (D. Lev Beklemishev, V. Daniil Musatov)
- Disjunction in Resource-Oriented Deductive Planning + (D. Miller)
- Actions and Specificity + (D. Miller)
- Description Logics and the Two-Variable Fragment + (D.L. McGuiness and P.F. Pater-Schneider and C. Goble and R. Möller)
- Unification Theory + (D.M. Gabbay and C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson)
- Nonstandard Inferences in Description Logics: The Story So Far + (D.M. Gabbay and S.S. Goncharov and M. Zakharyaschev)
- Boolean Functions with Ordered Domains in Answer Set Programming + (Dale Schuurmans and Michael Wellman)
- Column-Oriented Datalog Materialization for Large Knowledge Graphs + (Dale Schuurmans, Michael P. Wellman)
- Decidable Verification of Golog Programs over Non-Local Effect Actions + (Dale Schuurmans, Michael Wellman)
- Tuple-Generating Dependencies Capture Complex Values + (Dan Olteanu, Nils Vortmeier)
- A Sorted Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic + (Dana Fisman, Grigore Rosu)
- Generic CDCL – A Formalization of Modern Propositional Satisfiability Solvers + (Daniel Le Berre)
- Validating Unsatisfiability Results of Clause Sharing Parallel SAT Solvers + (Daniel Le Berre)
- New CNF Features and Formula Classification + (Daniel Le Berre)
- News on Temporal Conjunctive Queries + (Daniele Dell'Aglio, Darko Anicic, Payam M. Barnaghi, Emanuele Della Valle, Deborah L. McGuinness, Loris Bozzato, Thomas Eiter, Martin Homola, Daniele Porello)
- Reasoning with Individuals for the Description Logic SHIQ + (David MacAllester)
- Reasoning about Actions Meets Strategic Logics + (Davide Grossi and Olivier Roy and Huaxin Huang)
- Getting the Most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in Wikipedia’s Knowledge Graph + (Denny Vrandečić, Kalina Bontcheva, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Valentina Presutti, Irene Celino, Marta Sabou, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, Elena Simperl)
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata + (Diana Cristea, Florence Le Ber, Baris Sertkaya)
- Too Much Information: Can AI Cope With Modern Knowledge Graphs? + (Diana Cristea, Florence Le Ber, Baris Sertkaya)
- Efficient Model Construction for Horn Logic with VLog + (Didier Galmiche, Stephan Schulz, Roberto Sebastiani)
- What Is Approximate Reasoning? + (Diego Calvanese and Georg Lausen)
- Approximate OWL-Reasoning with Screech + (Diego Calvanese and Georg Lausen)
- Conjunctive Query Answering with Finitely Many Truth Degrees + (Diego Calvanese, Boris Konev)
- Answering EL Queries in the Presence of Preferences + (Diego Calvanese, Boris Konev)