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Liste der Ergebnisse
- 语义Web技术基础 + (This is the Chinese translation of [[Book2014/en|Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies]] … This is the Chinese translation of [[Book2014/en|Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies]]. This has been made possible through the efforts of Guilin Qi (漆桂林). The English text was translated by Yong Yu (俞勇, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Guilin Qi (漆桂林, Southeast University), Haofen Wang (王昊奋, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Chang Liu (刘畅, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), assisted by several students acknowledged within the book.</br></br>Note that there is also a (different) German textbook [[Book1546|Semantic Web – Grundlagen]].Grundlagen]].)
- Reasonable Highly Expressive Query Languages: Extended Technical Report + (This is the extended technical report for the [[Inproceedings3015/en|eponymous IJCAI paper]]. Please refer to the latter for citations.)
- Wikipedia and the Semantic Web - The Missing Links + (This is the historic first publication tha … This is the historic first publication that started the work towards [[Wikidata/en|Wikidata]]. It mentions "Wikidata" in the text, but at the time this was a very different project that later turned into OmegaWiki (see the history of the URL given in the paper).he history of the URL given in the paper).)
- The Not-So-Easy Task of Computing Class Subsumptions in OWL RL + (This paper got nominated for the Best Pape … This paper got nominated for the Best Paper award in the research track of ISWC 2012. Congratulations to Rahul Parundekar, Craig Knoblock and José Luis Ambite whose paper Discovering Concept Coverings in Ontologies of Linked Data Sources received the award.of Linked Data Sources received the award.)
- Attributed Description Logics: Ontologies for Knowledge Graphs + (This paper has been [ nominated for the Best Research Paper Award] at ISWC 2017.)
- Tractable Query Answering for Expressive Ontologies and Existential Rules + (This paper has been [ nominated for the Best Research Paper Award] at ISWC 2017.)
- A Closer Look at the Semantic Relationship between Datalog and Description Logics + (This paper is the extended journal version of the article [[Inproceedings3100/en|On the Semantic Relationship between Datalog and Description Logics]].)
- Fast Compression of Large Semantic Web Data using X10 + (This paper is the extended journal version of the article [[Inproceedings4049/en|Efficient Parallel Dictionary Encoding for RDF Data]]. The source code in X10 is available at:
- Unchain My EL Reasoner + (This paper relates to an early version of the ELK Reasoner. The main reference for ELK is [[Article4004/en|The Incredible ELK]]. Please use this in citations.)
- VLog: A Rule Engine for Knowledge Graphs + (This publication has received the '''Best Paper Award (Resources Track)''' at ISWC 2019!)
- Semantic Characterizations of AGM Revision for Tarskian Logics + (This publication has received the '''Best Student Paper Award'''!)
- Capturing Homomorphism-Closed Decidable Queries with Existential Rules + (This publication has received the '''Ray Reiter Best Paper Award''' at KR 2021!)
- Shortipedia: Aggregating and Curating Semantic Web Data + (This publication is the system description of Shortipedia which won the third prize of the 2010 Semantic Web Challenge held at the International Semantic Web Conference 2010.)
- On the Complexity of Terminological Reasoning + (This report is superceded by the LTCS-00-01 technical report and my LPAR'99 paper.)
- Revisiting Acyclicity and Guardedness Criteria for Decidability of Existential Rules + (This technical report provides additional details for the paper [[Inproceedings3149/en|Extending Decidable Existential Rules by Joining Acyclicity and Guardedness]], which should usually be cited instead.)
- Acyclicity Notions for Existential Rules and Their Application to Query Answering in Ontologies + (This work completely subsumes, extends, and improves earlier results on Acyclicity Conditions and their Application to Query Answering in Description Logics.)
- Acyclicity Conditions and their Application to Query Answering in Description Logics + (This work is completely subsumed by the journal article [[Article4005/en|Acyclicity Notions for Existential Rules and Their Application to Query Answering in Ontologies]].)
- Reasonable Highly Expressive Query Languages + (This work was awarded with the title '''[h … This work was awarded with the title '''[ IJCAI-15 Distinguished Paper (Honorable Mention)]''' (as one of three award papers among 1996 submissions). Full proofs are found in the [[Techreport3020/en|extended technical report]].</br></br></br>You can [ view the presentation] in any modern browser. It was prepared using [ Sozi] and [ Inkscape]; many thanks to these projects. Inkscape]; many thanks to these projects.)
- Efficient Inferencing for OWL EL + (Ths paper won the '''Best Paper Award''' of JELIA 2010!)
- International Tele-Teaching – A Progress Report + (To Appear.)
- A Proposal for Describing Services with DLs + (To appear)
- LATPub226 + (To appear)
- Reasoning about Entity Relationship Diagrams with Complex Attribute Dependencies + (To appear)
- PDL with Negation of Atomic Programs + (To appear)
- Description Logics with Concrete Domains and Functional Dependencies + (To appear)
- Reasoning Support for Ontology Design + (To appear)
- Is Tractable Reasoning in Extensions of the Description Logic EL Useful in Practice? + (To appear)
- The Logical Difference for EL: from Terminologies towards TBoxes + (To appear)
- A systematic proof theory for several modal logics + (To appear)
- A System of Interaction and Structure + (To appear in ACM Transactions on Computational Logic. Download: PDF filewv-02-10.pdf)
- A First Order System with Finite Choice of Premises + (To appear.)
- A Tableau Algorithm for Description Logics with Concrete Domains and General TBoxes + (To appear.)
- A hybrid approach for learning concept definitions from text + (To appear.)
- Data Complexity in the EL family of DLs + (To appear.)
- High Quality Data Generation: An Ontology Reasoning based Approach + (To appear.)
- Inverse Roles Make Conjunctive Queries Hard + (To appear.)
- Measuring Incompleteness under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial MaxSAT Solvers + (To appear.)
- On the Decidability of Verifying LTL Properties of Golog Programs + (To appear.)
- Semantic Annotation in Specific Domains with rich Ontologies (in French) + (To appear.)
- Similarity-based Relaxed Instance Queries in EL^++ + (To appear.)
- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics + (UniDL is a IJCAR collocated FLoC workshop. See
- Terminological Knowledge Representation: A Proposal for a Terminological Logic + (Updated version, taking into account the results of a discussion at the ``International Worksop on Terminological Logics,'' Dagstuhl, May 1991.)
- Description Logic Rules + (Volume 8 Studies on the Semantic Web, IOS Press)
- Exploratory Programming for Formal Concept Analysis — An Introduction to conexp-clj + (Vortrag im Workshop for FCA Tools and Applications, ICFCA 2013.)
- Not too Big, Not too Small…Complexities of Fixed-Domain Reasoning in First-Order and Description Logics + (Winner of the EPIA 2017 Best Paper Award.)
- Out of the Lab, Into the Wild: Growing Open Source Communities Around Academic Projects + ([ Open Advice] is a … [ Open Advice] is a collection of 42 short essays by prominent contributors of Free Software projects, each inspired by the question “What would I have wished to know when I started?” It covers a wide range of related topics, ranging from code development, project management, and mentoring to community building, business exploitation, and legal aspects. Staying true to its title, Open Advice is freely available under a Creative Commons license.</br></br></br>For more information and free download, see [ the book's web site]. Paper copies are available from [ Lulu] at a very reasonable price.18865584 Lulu] at a very reasonable price.)
- The Complexity of Subsumption in Fuzzy EL + ([ © IJCAI])
- Temporal Query Answering in the Description Logic EL + ([ © IJCAI])
- A Computational Theory for Model Construction, Variation and Inspection in Human Spatial Reasoning + (accepted)
- On Indicative Conditionals + (
- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Semantic Technologies + (
- An Abductive Model for Human Reasoning + (
- Probabilistic Aspects of Score Systems + (
- Pushing the SONIC border — SONIC 1.0 + (
- On the Succinctness of Closure Operator Representations + (invited paper)
- Temporal Query Answering in a Fuzzy World + (long title: Joint Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track of 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems - SEMANTiCS2015 and 1st Workshop on Data Science: Methods, Technology and Applications (DSci15), Vienna, Austria, September 15-17, 2015.)
- Fostering Web Intelligence by Semi-automatic OWL Ontology Refinement + (regular paper)
- Evaluating the Generality of Disjunctive Model Faithful Acyclicity on OWL ontologies + (supervised by David Carral and Markus Krötzsch)
- Don’t Repeat Yourself: Termination of the Skolem Chase on Disjunctive Existential Rules + (supervised by David Carral and Markus Krötzsch)
- Chase-Based Computation of Cores for Existential Rules + (supervised by Markus Krötzsch)