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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Using Ontologies to Query Probabilistic Numerical Data + (Patrick Koopmann)
- Ontology-Based Query Answering for Probabilistic Temporal Data + (Patrick Koopmann)
- A pragmatic approach to translation: Vocabulary alignment through Multiagent Interaction and Observation + (Paula Chocrón)
- Quantitative Versions of the Chomsky-Schützenberger Theorem + (Pavlos Marantidis)
- Functional models and Data Complexity for FL0 + (Pavlos Marantidis)
- Extending Matching in Description Logics + (Pavlos Marantidis)
- Solving Datalog(S) Problems with Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Using Datalog to Ground ASP Programs + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Challenges of Using Leapfrog Triejoin for Datalog Programs + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Indexing for Datalog Materialisation with Leapfrog Triejoin + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Chase Termination Beyond Polynomial Time + (Philipp Hanisch)
- Containment of Monadic Datalog + (Pierre Bourhis)
- Provenance and Probabilities in Relational Databases + (Pierre Senellart)
- Exploiting Treewidth for Counting in Abstract Argumentation + (Piotr Gorczyca)
- News about Reasoning with Bit-Vectors + (Prof. Armin Biere)
- Adaptive Language Interaction + (Prof. Dr. Vera Demberg (Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Computer Science and Computational Linguistics))
- Temporal reasoning with DatalogMTL + (Przemysław Wałęga)
- Adding Circumscription to Decidable Fragments of First-Order Logic: A Complexity Rollercoaster + (Quentin Maniere)
- Interface between Logical Analysis of Data and Formal Concept Analysis + (Radek Janoštík)
- Verifying Temporal Properties of Biological Systems + (Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen)
- Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems: The Introduction. + (Rajab Aghamov)
- Relating Description Complexity to Entropy + (Reijo Jaakkola)
- Solving Angry Birds with Reinforcement Learning + (Richard Kwasnicki and Julius Gonsior)
- Solving Problems Exponentially Faster: Implementing a Nondeterministic Universal Turing Machine Using DNA + (Ross D. King)
- Relbacoess + (Rui Zhang)
- Knowledge Graph Curation and Reasoning using the Example of the Scholarly Domain + (Sahar Vahdati)
- ASPARTIX-D Ready for the Competition + (Sarah Alice Gaggl)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (Sarah Alice Gaggl)
- Navigating ASP Solution Spaces (Canceled) + (Sarah Alice Gaggl)
- On Computing Explanations in Argumentation + (Satyadharma Tirtarasa)
- Projection in a Description Logic of Context with Actions + (Satyadharma Tirtarasa)
- Computing Generalizations of Temporal EL Concepts with Next and Global + (Satyadharma Tirtarasa)
- Quantum Computing and the Limits of the Efficiently Computable + (Scott Aaronson)
- Past, Current and Future Trends in Description Logic + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- Chile – A Trip Report + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- Membership Constraints in Formal Concept Analysis + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- The Curse of Finiteness: Undecidability of Database-Inspired Reasoning Problems in Very Expressive Description Logics + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- Satisfiability in the Triguarded Fragment of First-Order Logic + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- Finite Model Theory of the Triguarded Fragment and Related Logics + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- A Pitch Rich with Width-Witchcraft – Model-Theoretic Criteria for Decidable Query Entailment + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- Bounded Treewidth and the Infinite Core Chase – Complications and Workarounds toward Decidable Querying + (Sebastian Rudolph)
- Ontology-Driven Software Development in the Context of the Semantic Web (Project Thesis) + (Serge Stratan)
- Software Implementation for Taxonomy Browsing and Ontology Evaluation for the case of Wikidata + (Serge Stratan)
- PAC Completion of Description Logic TBoxes + (Sergei Obiedkov)
- Learning Word Representation in Compositional Matrix-Space Models + (Shima Asaadi)
- Report on research visit to NRC + (Shima Asaadi)
- Automatic Extraction of Compositional Matrix-Space Models of Language + (Shima Asaadi)
- Compositional Matrix-Space Models: Learning Methods and Evaluation + (Shima Asaadi)
- Characterizing common argumentation semantics using branch evaluations for justification systems + (Simon Birkenheuer)
- An importance value for temporal logics + (Simon Jantsch)
- Multi-Cultural Commonsense Knowledge Base Construction + (Simon Razniewski)
- Inaugural Lecture: Knowledge-aware Artificial Intelligence or How to Rock Your CS@TUD Studies with chatGPT + (Simon Razniewski)
- GPTKB: Comprehensively Materializing Factual LLM Knowledge + (Simon Razniewski)