Notation3 as an Existential Rule Language

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Notation3 as an Existential Rule Language

Dörthe ArndtDörthe Arndt,  Stephan MennickeStephan Mennicke
Dörthe Arndt, Stephan Mennicke
Notation3 as an Existential Rule Language
Rules and Reasoning - 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, RuleML+RR 2023, Proceedings, October 2023. Springer
  • KurzfassungAbstract
    Notation3 Logic (N3) is an extension of RDF that allows the user to write rules introducing new blank nodes to RDF graphs. Many applications (e.g., ontology mapping) rely on this feature as blank nodes – used directly or in auxiliary constructs – are omnipresent on the Web. However, the number of fast N3 reasoners covering this very important feature of the logic is rather limited. On the other hand, there are engines like VLog or Nemo which do not directly support Semantic Web rule formats but which are developed and optimized for very similar constructs: existential rules. In this paper, we investigate the relation between N3 rules with blank nodes in their heads and existential rules. We identify a subset of N3 that can be mapped directly to existential rules and define such a mapping preserving the equivalence of N3 formulae. In order to also illustrate that in some cases N3 reasoning could benefit from our translation, we then employ this mapping in an implementation to compare the performance of the N3 reasoners EYE and cwm to VLog and Nemo on N3 rules and their mapped counterparts. Our tests show that the existential rule reasoners perform particularly well for use cases containing many facts while especially the EYE reasoner is very fast when dealing with a high number of dependent rules. We thus provide a tool enabling the Semantic Web community to directly use existing and future existential rule reasoners and benefit from the findings of this active community.
  • Projekt:Project: CfaedCPECKIMEDSSECAIScaDS.AI
  • Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Computational LogicComputational LogicWissensbasierte SystemeKnowledge-Based Systems
The final publication is available at Springer.
  author    = {D{\"{o}}rthe Arndt and Stephan Mennicke},
  title     = {Notation3 as an Existential Rule Language},
  booktitle = {Rules and Reasoning - 7th International Joint Conference on Rules
               and Reasoning, {RuleML+RR} 2023, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2023},
  month     = {October}