Bound Your Models! How to Make OWL an ASP Modeling Language
Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Bound Your Models! How to Make OWL an ASP Modeling Language
Sarah Alice GagglSarah Alice Gaggl, Sebastian RudolphSebastian Rudolph, Lukas SchweizerLukas Schweizer

Sarah Alice Gaggl, Sebastian Rudolph, Lukas Schweizer
Bound Your Models! How to Make OWL an ASP Modeling Language
In Stefan Ellmauthaler, Claudia Schulz, eds., International Workshop on User-Oriented Logic Programming (IULP), November 2015
Bound Your Models! How to Make OWL an ASP Modeling Language
In Stefan Ellmauthaler, Claudia Schulz, eds., International Workshop on User-Oriented Logic Programming (IULP), November 2015
- KurzfassungAbstract
To exploit the Web Ontology Language OWL as an answer set programming (ASP) language, we introduce the notion of bounded model semantics, as an intuitive and computationally advantageous alternative to its classical semantics. We show that a translation into ASP allows for solving a wide range of bounded-model reasoning tasks, including satisfiability and axiom entailment but also novel ones such as model extraction and enumeration. Ultimately, our work facilitates harnessing advanced semantic web modeling environments for the logic programming community through an "off-label use" of OWL. - Forschungsgruppe:Research Group: Computational LogicComputational Logic, Logische Programmierung und ArgumentationLogic Programming and Argumentation
author = {Sarah Alice Gaggl and Sebastian Rudolph and Lukas Schweizer},
title = {Bound Your Models! How to Make {OWL} an {ASP} Modeling Language},
editor = {Stefan Ellmauthaler and Claudia Schulz},
booktitle = {International Workshop on User-Oriented Logic Programming (IULP)},
year = {2015},
month = {November}