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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- Science of Computational Logic + (Default Reasoning)
- Default Reasoning about Actions + (Default Reasoning about Actions)
- Default Reasoning about Actions via Abstract Argumentation + (Default Reasoning about Actions via Abstract Argumentation)
- Default Reasoning about Conditional, Non-Local and Disjunctive Effect Actions + (Default Reasoning about Conditional, Non-Local and Disjunctive Effect Actions)
- Default Reasoning in Action Theories with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions + (Default Reasoning in Action Theories with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions)
- Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies + (Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies)
- Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies + (Default reasoning over domains and concept hierarchies)
- Defaults in Action: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi + (Defaults in Action: Non-monotonic Reasoning About States in Action Calculi)
- Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype + (Defeasible AceRules: A Prototype)
- Defeasible AceRules: A prototype + (Defeasible AceRules: A prototype)
- Defining Relations: a general incremental approach with spatial temporal case studies + (Defining Relations: a general incremental approach with spatial temporal case studies)
- Delayed-Choice Semantics for Pomset Families and Message Sequence Graphs + (Delayed-Choice Semantics for Pomset Families and Message Sequence Graphs)
- Seminar: Knowledge Representation + (Dempster Shafer Theory)
- Denotational Linear Time Semantics and Sequential Composition + (Denotational Linear Time Semantics and Sequential Composition)
- Denotational Semantics in the CPO and Metric Approach + (Denotational Semantics in the CPO and Metric Approach)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Database Theory + (Dependencies)
- Der Designkatalog: Ein erster Schritt in Richtung eines FABEL-Anwendungssystems + (Der Designkatalog: Ein erster Schritt in Richtung eines FABEL-Anwendungssystems)
- Theoretische Informatik und Logik + (Der Satz von Rice und das Postsche Korrespondenzproblem)
- Theoretische Informatik und Logik + (Der Satz von Rice und das Postsche Korrespondenzproblem)
- Derivation-Graph-Based Characterizations of Decidable Existential Rule Sets + (Derivation-Graph-Based Characterizations of Decidable Existential Rule Sets)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Description Logic + (Description Logic)
- Science of Computational Logic + (Description Logic)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Reasoning with Data)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Reasoning with Data)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Reasoning with Data)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Reasoning with Data)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics I)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics I)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics I)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics I)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics II)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics II)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Description Logic - Syntax and Semantics II)
- Description Logic Actions with general TBoxes: a Pragmatic Approach + (Description Logic Actions with general TBoxes: a Pragmatic Approach)
- Description Logic Actions with general TBoxes: a Pragmatic Approach + (Description Logic Actions with general TBoxes: a Pragmatic Approach)
- Description Logic Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog + (Description Logic Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog)
- Description Logic Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog + (Description Logic Reasoning with Decision Diagrams: Compiling SHIQ to Disjunctive Datalog)
- Description Logic Rules + (Description Logic Rules)
- Description Logic Rules + (Description Logic Rules)
- Description Logic Terminology + (Description Logic Terminology)
- Description Logic reasoning for Semantic Web Ontologies – Extended abstract + (Description Logic reasoning for Semantic Web Ontologies – Extended abstract)
- Science of Computational Logic + (Description Logic, Sheet 1)
- Science of Computational Logic + (Description Logic, Sheet 1, Equational Logic Sheet)