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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Hierarchical control with partial observations: Sufficient conditions + (Hierarchical control with partial observations Sufficient conditions.pdf)
- An Object Oriented Simulation of Real Occurring Molecular Biological Processes for DNA Computing and Its Experimental Verification + (HinzeHatnik+-DNA7-02.pdf)
- Rechnen mit DNA - Eine Einführung in Theorie und Praxis + (HinzeSturm-OWV-2004.pdf)
- Towards an in-vitro Implementation of a Universal Distributed Splicing Model for DNA Computation + (
- A Tableau Algorithm for the Clique Guarded Fragment + (
- A Tableau Algorithm for the Clique Guarded Fragment + (
- A Tableaux Algorithm for the Clique Guarded Fragment, Preliminary Version + (
- Logic + (History2015.pdf)
- Resolution and Logic Programming in Algebraic Domains: Negation and Defaults + (Hitzler:02:wv05.pdf)
- Convergence Classes and Spaces of Partial Functions + (Hitzler:03:08.pdf)
- A generalized resolution theorem + (Hitzler:04:03.pdf)
- Logic Programs and Connectionist Networks + (Hitzler:04:05.pdf)
- A cartesian closed category of approximable concept structures + (Hitzler:04:wv01.pdf)
- Ontology Learning as a Use-Case for Neural-Symbolic Integration —position paper + (Hitzler:05:02.pdf)
- A categorical view on algebraic lattices in formal concept analysis + (HitzlerKroetzschZhang-Algebraic-Lattices-FCA-2004.pdf)
- PSPACE Automata for Description Logics + (HlaPen-DL-06.pdf)
- A Translation of Looping Alternating Automata to Description Logics + (
- A Generator for Description Logic Formulas + (Hladik-DL-05.pdf)
- Implementing the n-ary Description Logic GF1- + (
- Implementation and evaluation of a tableau algorithm for the Guarded Fragment + (
- Reasoning about Nominals with FaCT and RACER + (
- A Tableau System for the Description Logic SHIO + (
- Implementation and Optimisation of a Tableau Algorithm for the Guarded Fragment + (
- Spinoza's Ontology + (Hladik-WSPI-04.pdf)
- Tableau Systems for SHIO and SHIQ + (HladikModel-DL-04.pdf)
- A Logic-Based Approach to Dynamic Programming + (Hoelldobler:04:01.pdf)
- From the Calculus of Structures to Term Rewriting Systems + (Hoelldobler:04:wv03.pdf)
- FLUCAP: A Heuristic Search Planner for First-Order MDPs + (Hoelldobler:06:JAIR.pdf)
- How to decide Query Containment under Constraints using a Description Logic + (
- How to decide Query Containment under Constraints using a Description Logic + (
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Horn Logics Problems.pdf)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Horn Logics and Datalog Problems.pdf)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Horn Logics and Datalog Problems23.pdf)
- Foundations of Knowledge Representation + (Horn Logics and DatalogProblems.pdf)
- Reasoning with Individuals for the Description Logic SHIQ + (
- Practical Reasoning for Very Expressive Description Logics + (
- Query Containment Using a DLR ABox + (
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles and Role Hierarchies + (
- Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ + (HorrocksSattler-ECAI2002.pdf)
- Ontology Reasoning in the SHOQ(D) Description Logic + (
- Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms + (HorrocksSattler-IJCAI03.pdf)
- Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ + (
- Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms + (
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles and Role Hierarchies + (
- Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics + (
- A PSpace-algorithm for deciding ALCNI_R^+-satisfiability + (
- A Description Logic with Transitive and Converse Roles, Role Hierarchies and Qualifying Number Restrictions + (
- Practical Reasoning for Description Logics with Functional Restrictions, Inverse and Transitive Roles, and Role Hierarchies + (
- Optimisation of Terminological Reasoning + (
- Reasoning with Axioms: Theory and Practice + (
- Optimisation of Terminological Reasoning + (