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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Denotational Semantics in the CPO and Metric Approach + (135)
- Conjunctive Query Answering with Finitely Many Truth Degrees + (1350)
- Answering EL Queries in the Presence of Preferences + (1350)
- Dynamic Bayesian Description Logics + (1350)
- Query Answering in Bayesian Description Logics + (1350)
- Schema-Agnostic Query Rewriting for OWL QL + (1350)
- Extending the Combined Approach Beyond Lightweight Description Logics + (1350)
- Temporal Query Answering in the Description Logic EL (extended abstract) + (1350)
- Operational Causality - Necessarily Sufficient and Sufficiently Necessary + (13560)
- Next directions in experimental data for seismic hazard mitigation + (136)
- Semantic Characterizations of AGM Revision for Tarskian Logics + (13752)
- An Existential Rule Framework for Computing Why-Provenance On-Demand for Datalog + (13752)
- The Bayesian Ontology reasoner is BORN! + (1387)
- Complexities of Horn Description Logics + (14)
- Embedding Defaults into Terminological Representation Systems + (14)
- A Correspondence between Temporal Description Logics + (14)
- Contextual Abductive Reasoning with Side-Effects + (14)
- Computing Change and Specificity with Equational Logic Programs + (14)
- Materializing Knowledge Bases via Trigger Graphs + (14)
- Decision making improves sperm chemotaxis in the presence of noise + (14)
- Combination Techniques and Decision Problems for Disunification + (142)
- Derivation-Graph-Based Characterizations of Decidable Existential Rule Sets + (14281)
- Logics in Artificial Intelligence - 18th European Conference, JELIA 2023, Dresden, Germany, September 20-22, 2023, Proceedings + (14281)
- Computing Stable Extensions of Argumentation Frameworks using Formal Concept Analysis + (14281)
- System BV is NP-complete + (143)
- Metric Semantics for True Concurrent Real Time + (1443)
- Matching in Description Logics: Preliminary Results + (1453)
- Reifying RDF: What Works Well With Wikidata? + (1457)
- An Ontology Design Pattern for Data Integration in the Library Domain + (1461)
- An Ontology Design Pattern for Particle Physics Analysis + (1461)
- Temporal Query Answering in a Fuzzy World + (1481)
- Joint Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks and Terra Cognita (SSN-TC 2015) and the 4th International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning (OrdRing 2015) + (1488)
- Towards State Update Axioms: Reifying Successor State Axioms + (1489)
- Certificates and Witnesses for Multi-objective Queries in Markov Decision Processes + (14996)
- Priorities on Defaults with Prerequisites, and their Application in Treating Specificity in Terminological Default Logic + (15)
- PDL with Negation of Atomic Programs + (15)
- Improved Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Abstract Argumentation + (15)
- Formalizing Ontology Alignment and its Operations with Category Theory + (150)
- Global One-Counter Tree Automata + (15015)
- Integrating Reactive and Reflective Reasoning by Generating Rational Models + (1502)
- On the Combination of Partial Action Descriptions + (1502)
- Recurrent Neural Networks to Approximate the Semantics of Acceptable Logic Programs + (1502)
- Computing the least common subsumer and the most specific concept in the presence of cyclic ALN-concept descriptions + (1504)
- KI-Forschungsführer 1998 + (1504)
- On the expressiveness of MTL and TPTL over omega-data words + (151)
- Symbolic Reasoning with Weighted and Normalized Decision Diagrams + (151)
- Combining Interval-based Temporal Reasoning with General TBoxes + (152)
- Fast Indexing of Codebook Vectors Using Dynamic Binary Search Trees With Fat Decision Hyperplanes + (152)
- Syntactic Interpolation for Tense Logics and Bi-Intuitionistic Logic via Nested Sequents + (152)
- Towards Mass Spectrum Analysis with ASP + (15245)