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Aus International Center for Computational Logic
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- A uniform framework for modeling and verifying components and connectors + (5521)
- Formal Concept Analysis: 7th International Conference, ICFCA 2009, Proceedings + (5548)
- Some Computational Problems Related to Pseudo-intents + (5548)
- Usability Issues in Description Logic Knowledge Base Completion + (5548)
- Exploring Finite Models in the Description Logic ELgfp + (5548)
- Concept Lattice Orbifolds -- First Steps + (5548)
- Tempus Fugit - Towards an Ontology Update Language + (5554)
- OntoComP: A Protege Plugin for Completing OWL Ontologies + (5554)
- When are timed automata determinizable? + (5556)
- Literal Projection and Circumscription + (556)
- Unification in the Description Logic EL + (5595)
- Unification in Commutative Idempotent Monoids + (56)
- A Novel Architecture for Situation Awareness Systems + (5607)
- Tableaux for Projection Computation and Knowledge Compilation + (5607)
- Logic Programs under Three-Valued Łukasiewicz's Semantics + (5649)
- Conceptual Structures: Leveraging Semantic Technologies + (5662)
- Towards the Complexity of Recognizing Pseudo-intents + (5662)
- Access Policy Design Supported by FCA Methods + (5662)
- Description Logics + (5689)
- Wikidata: a free collaborative knowledgebase + (57)
- From Tableaux to Automata for Description Logics + (57)
- Deciding Unifiability and Computing Local Unifiers in the Description Logic EL without Top Constructor + (57)
- The Triguarded Fragment of First-Order Logic + (57)
- The Weak Completion Semantics and Equality + (57)
- On the probabilistic bisimulation spectrum with silent moves + (57)
- A Terminological Knowledge Representation System with Complete Inference Algorithms + (572)
- Unification in Varieties of Completely Regular Semigroups + (572)
- Unification Theory + (572)
- Orel: Database-Driven Reasoning for OWL 2 Profiles + (573)
- Complexity of Axiom Pinpointing in the DL-Lite Family + (573)
- Correcting Access Restrictions to a Consequence + (573)
- LATPub439 + (573)
- Putting ABox Updates into Action + (5749)
- Runtime Verification Using a Temporal Description Logic + (5749)
- Formal Verification for Components and Connectors + (5751)
- Logics and Networks for Human Reasoning + (5769)
- Quantitative analysis under fairness constraints + (5799)
- On the Complexity of Universality for Partially Ordered NFAs + (58)
- Piecewise Testable Languages and Nondeterministic Automata + (58)
- The Bayesian Ontology Language BEL + (58)
- A Generic Approach for Large-Scale Ontological Reasoning in the Presence of Access Restrictions to the Ontology's Axioms + (5823)
- Classifying Software Bug Reports Using Methods from Formal Concept Analysis + (59)
- Denotational Linear Time Semantics and Sequential Composition + (59)
- Probabilistic $ømega$-Automata + (59)
- An Approach to Exploring Description Logic Knowledge Bases + (5986)
- Hardness of Enumerating Pseudo-Intents in the Lectic Order + (5986)
- The two cultures: mashing up Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web + (6)
- A Closer Look at the Semantic Relationship between Datalog and Description Logics + (6)
- A Formal Definition for the Expressive Power of Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages + (6)
- Unification in the Description Logic EL + (6)