Introduction to Existential Rules

Aus International Center for Computational Logic
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Introduction to Existential Rules

Lehrveranstaltung mit SWS 2/0/0 (Vorlesung/Übung/Praktikum) in SS 2023


Umfang (SWS)

  • 2/0/0



  • Mündliche Prüfung

The lecture on Monday the 3rd of July cannot happen in presence. Please watch the provided video instead. Corresponding questions will be answered in the lecture on the 10th of June.

Existential Rules are a knowledge representation formalism used in artificial intelligence and database theory. Their syntactic flexibility enables an easy integration of both semantic knowledge and databases. Syntactically close to Datalog rules, an important distinguishing feature is the possibility to describe individuals whose existence was not originally known, which is of great help for modeling purposes. In this lecture, we will provide a formal introduction into the existential rules framework, discuss existing techniques to reason over decidable fragments of this language and investigate the limits of the expressivity of existential rules.


  • basic knowledge of propositional and first-order logic
  • some familiarity with computational complexity


The first lecture will be on Monday, 17th April 2023, 9:20-10:50 (DS 2) in room APB E005.

The lecture is scheduled for Mondays, 9:20-10:50 (DS 2) in room APB E005 on the dates indicated in the schedule.

Veranstaltungskalender abonnieren (icalendar)

Vorlesung Lecture 1 DS2, 17. April 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Lecture 2 DS2, 24. April 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Entfällt 1st of May (bank holiday) DS2, 1. Mai 2023 in APB E005
Vorlesung Lecture 3 DS2, 8. Mai 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Lecture 4 DS2, 15. Mai 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Lecture 5 DS2, 22. Mai 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Entfällt Pentecost Monday (bank holiday) DS2, 29. Mai 2023 in APB E005
Vorlesung Lecture 6 DS2, 5. Juni 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Lecture 7 DS2, 19. Juni 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Lecture 8 (asynchronous) DS2, 3. Juli 2023 in APB E005 Datei
Vorlesung Lecture 9 DS2, 10. Juli 2023 in APB E005 Datei


März 2025
